Auf der Suche nach dem rettenden U-Boot tappen alle im Dunkeln. Dabei ist es mitten im Meer und verhält sich ganz ruhig, während alle anderen aufgeregt suchen.
Ein lustiger Eisbrecher, bei dem es keinen Verlierer gibt.
Framework conditions
- Group size: from 8 people
- Location: preferably in one room - beware of tripping hazards!
- Time: 5-10 minutes
Materials needed
- Eye pads
All players are blindfolded. (Simply closing your eyes will work in a pinch)
The game leader secretly designates one to be the sub. (He can take the blindfold off again).
The game starts
The game starts and everyone sets off in search of the saving submarine, Everyone they meet they ask : "Submarine?". If the other answers with the same question it is clear that it is not the submarine.
The selected player, who is the submarine, acts very calm. When he is found, he does not give an answer. The fish stays with him and together they now form a larger submarine - the blindfolds are removed.
The game is over when everyone has found the submarine.
Image credits
- Cover: CarolES
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