Ideen zum Bibellesen

Submitted by Irmgard on

Grundsätzliche Gedanken zum Bibellesen:

- Gemeinschaft mit Gott
- Gott wartet auf Echo
- Gott lädt uns zu einer Begegnung mit ihm ein

Bible Reading

God offers us his fellowship, but fellowship must be cultivated by us. How much is fellowship with God worth to me? How great is my love for him to sacrifice time for it?

God turns to us daily and waits for an echo from us, he waits for our response to his love. We are to listen to him, to talk to him, to give ourselves to him.

God invites us to an encounter with him as we read the Bible (Matt 11:28; Ps 27:7 f.; Ps 105:4: Ps 34:6; Jn 6:37).

We need an encounter with God not just now and then, but daily (Ps 68:20; Acts 17:11; Aps 2:46 f.; Ps 119:105).

We need a specific time for regular encounter with God. If our encounter with God has the goal of being our orientation for the day, the morning is the best time. The numerous examples in the Bible prove it (Gen 19:27; Gen 28:18; 1 Sam 1:19; Ps 88:14; Mark 1:35).

We need outward and inward silence before God. It is most likely to be found in the early morning, when the day's business has not yet fully set in. We ourselves are still most receptive to the Word of God in the morning because the day with its distractions does not yet hold us captive. The inner stillness (= resting in God, trusting in his power and help) is what God wants to give us anew as we read his Word (Ps 62:6; Is 30:15).

A daily encounter with God brings about a living connection with God. Through reading the Word, God's Spirit can work in me, I will come to understand God better, and I will love Him more. My trust will grow, I will let him be Lord over my life (Ps 23:1; Ps 27:1; Ps 145:18; Jn 20:28; Isa 33:22).

A living connection with the Lord needs sharing in listening and talking. Just as we listen to and talk with a lover, we are to listen to and share God in our lives. We will be willing to do each other's will out of love (Jas 1:22; Col 3:23).

Now, as we set out to read the Bible with children or introduce them to reading the Bible on their own, we need to be aware that children do not necessarily bring with them, on their own, a willingness to listen to God's speaking, to respond in prayer, and to live according to God's will. They are often filled with all the restlessness and hustle and bustle of our time, are not at all able to focus on the Word at first.

For further discussion, see "Bible Reading.pdf"

Source reference:

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copyright: Bibellesebund e. V., BRD, Ideenbörse 3, Arbeitshilfen für Kinder-, Jungschar und Teenagerarbeit

Authors: Paula Jordan et al

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