
Submitted by Ramba on

Ein kurzes Spiel bei dem man sich intensiv Austoben kann.


  • Sack filled with hay (preferably large bag, loosely filled and not hard pressed)
  • Gate markings (e.g. posts or similar)


Play in a rectangular field. At both ends a goal, marked with two posts or something similar. Almost anything is allowed: run with the sack, throw forward and backward, and snatch it away from the opposing team. One point is awarded to the team that can put the sack behind the opponent's goal line. A referee is certainly not out of place in all the action ;-)

Safety note

Jute bags are very rough and you can easily scrape your skin on them during a fight. If available maybe use cloth bag. Even if the hay bag reduces the risk of fighting injuries somewhat, it is still a game with a lot of physical play, larger players must be considerate of smaller players. Put away watches and jewellery

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