Hier findest du eine Anleitung, wie man ein einfaches Seifenblas-Gerät selbst macht. Dieses kann für Wettkämpfe eingesetzt werden, da es möglich ist, lange Seifenblasen-Schlangen zu machen (über 1m lange).
- 1 tube (approx. 10-15cm)
- 1 scrap of fabric (e.g. from a sock)
- 1 rubber band
Construction Instructions
Place the scrap of fabric over the pipe.
Fasten the scrap of fabric with a rubber band.
- To create a soap bubble, simply dip the scrap of fabric into the soapy water and blow gently into the tube from behind.
- When blowing through the tube, it is important to not blow too hard. That's why this device is also good for smaller children, as it doesn't require much blowing.
- For the soapy water, you can follow this guide:make bubble lye
Source credits
- Caption image: Ramun Badertscher, www.ramunbadertscher.ch
- Pictures: Ramun Badertscher, www.ramunbadertscher.ch
- Idea: From a Maag family party ;-)
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