
Submitted by LukiLeu on

Dies ist ein Hosensackspiel, welches die Füsse in einer etwas anderen Art und Weise gebraucht.


  • 10 to 15 stones


The small stones are placed in a row at the beginning. The distance between the stones should be about 1 m (correspondingly less for younger players). The players choose an order. The first player takes off his shoes and jumps barefoot on one leg along the row of stones. He has to jump over one stone with each jump. At the end of the row, he makes a half turn and grabs the stone directly in front of him (the last one in the row) with the toes of the foot held up so far. With the stone held by the toes, the player returns to the starting point. Here the player puts the stone aside. Since he has not made a mistake so far, he starts a new round. Again he has to get the stone that is now in last place. Only when the player has made a mistake (touches a stone while bouncing, drops the fetched stone, hits the ground with his raised foot, steps twice in a space), the stone row is completed again and it is the next player's turn. The winner is the player who has collected the most stones after a complete round.

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