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Devotions for a Week
Day 1: Who Am I?
Topic: Who are we?
Topic: Since the Fall, we have ceded our right to rule the earth to Satan. We have lost fellowship with God, have become servants - driven of Satan.
An almost unquenchable thirst for world conquest, for significance, prestige, good and fulfilling life drives us.
Target Thought: TN recognize that they are born in sin and driven
by a search for significance.
Bible passage: Daniel 4:1-15: Nebuchadnezzar's vision (Hfa)
Bible Text:
1 I, Nebuchadnezzar, was living happily and contentedly in the royal palace. 2 But one day as I lay on my bed sleeping, I had a terrible dream. What I saw in it frightened me greatly. 3 So I sent for all the wise advisers. They were to interpret this nightmare for me.
4 When the soothsayers, necromancers, astrologers, and magicians stood before me, I described my dream to them. But none could explain to me what message it contained.
5 At last Daniel came before me, who had been named Belchazar after my god. In him dwells the spirit of the holy gods. To him also I told my dream: 6 "Beltschazar," I said, "you I have set above all soothsayers, because I know that the spirit of the holy gods dwells in you. No mystery is too hard for thee. Tell me, then, what is the meaning of the images I saw in my dream!
7 I dreamed, in the midst of the earth stood a tree of mighty height. 8 It grew and grew taller until its top touched the sky. Even from the farthest end of the earth it could be seen. 9 It had magnificent leaves and bore much fruit. It gave shade and shelter to the wild animals, and birds nested in its branches. All the people and animals fed on its fruit. 10 While I was looking at the tree, suddenly an angel of God came down from heaven. 11 He shouted loudly, 'Cut down the tree, and chop off its branches Tear down its leaves, and scatter its fruit everywhere! The animals that live in its shade and the birds that nest in its branches, put to flight! 12 But leave the rootstock, and tie it up with chains of iron and bronze in the meadow. The man this rootstock represents shall be drenched with dew and feed on grass like an animal. 13 He will no longer have human characteristics, but will resemble an animal. For seven periods of time this shall last! 14 This is what the holy angels have decreed, so that people will know: The Most High God is Lord over all the kingdoms of the world. He entrusts dominion to whom he wills, even to the most insignificant man.'
15 All this I have dreamed. And now explain to me what it means, Beltschazar! All my advisers are incapable of it. But you can, because the spirit of the holy gods dwells within you."
Countering Robinson Crusoe:
is driven by his own desires, dreams for significance, prestige ... he wants to conquer the world his way.
In doing so, he breaks away from his parents, leaves his home, tries to make his dreams come true in the world.
He throws his parents' warning to the wind.
He puts his life on the line. Gets captured, gets free again, tries his luck that way once more.
He is driven by his thirst for adventure and world conquest.
Who are you?
What drives you?
What is your dream?
Where do you seek fulfillment?
What is the meaning of your life?
Suddenly everything changes - RC is shipwrecked.... lands on a desert island. Now what? - Tomorrow
Quiet Time (for tomorrow - Day 2):
Romans 3 - Before God all men are guilty
9 Now do we Jews have any preference over other people? I say, no! For I have just proved to all men, whether Jews or Gentiles, that they live under the dominion of sin. 10 The same thing is already said in the Scriptures: "There is no one, not even one, who is without sin. 11 There is no one who is insightful and asks about God. 12 All have turned away from him, and so have become useless to God. There is truly no one who does good, not a single one. 13 Their words bring death and destruction. Through and through deceitful is all their speech, and what comes from their lips is vicious and deadly as snake venom. 14 Their mouths are full of curses and spite. 15 They are quick to shed blood. 16 They leave a trail of devastation and misery. 17 They do not know the way to peace, 18 for they have no reverence for God." 19 Now we know: The law of God applies precisely to those to whom it was given. Therefore, no one can talk his way out of it. All people in the world are guilty before God. 20 For no man will ever stand before God by fulfilling the commandments. Rather, the law shows us our sin. 21 But now God has shown us how we can stand before him, namely, independent of the law. This is even already witnessed in the Law and the Prophets. 22 God absolves everyone of his guilt and accepts everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Only this righteousness does God allow to stand. For in this all men are equal: 23 All are sinners and have nothing to show that is pleasing to God.
Nebukadnezzar comes and writes his own profile on a poster. He is very proud of his life - his wealth - his possibilities to realize all his dreams - but then exactly at this last point on the wanted poster = life dreams -> he remembers the terrible dream from last night. He theatrically tells it to the teenagers and then goes off to call his dream interpreters as he doesn't understand this dream but is sure it has a certain meaning to him!
Robinson's Dreams - ...
What are my dreams? Who am I, where do I want to go?
Day 2: Destiny
Topic: Something New
Working Title: It takes seven years for Nebuchadnezzar to realize that God is the king of the world and he alone rules. God gives him another chance. Invitation to break with sins or it will all come to pass. But Nebuchadnezzar's pride was great...
Goal Thought: TN understand the importance of God's good plan for their lives.
Bible passage: Daniel 4:16-24: Daniel lays out the vision (Hfa)
For detailed discussion, see PDF file
Day 3: All for free - or what really matters!
Topic: Faith
Title: Nebuchadnezzar realizes that God is the only God and his rule
is true and just. Who installs and deposes kings.
Revelation 18-19 - The Ultimate Reality:
Satan's kingdom falls and God reigns forever.
God is worshiped and all glory is given to Him.
Goal Thought:TN realize that their lives have meaning when they live for God's glory.
Bible passage: Daniel 4:25-34: The vision is fulfilled (Hfa)
For detailed discussion, see PDF file
Day 4: Loneliness - One Understands Me
Topic: Of feelings and goals
Title: Daniel's faith is put to the test. His only support, the
Communion with God in prayer, he will not let it be taken from him.
God rewards Daniel's trust in him and rescues him from the lion's den.
Goal Idea:TN understands that fellowship with God manifests itself in ever-deepening trust and therefore has great significance.
Bible passage: Daniel 6:1-29: Fellowship with God is being tested (Hfa)
For detailed discussion, see PDF file
Day 5: Canibalism - A Man Without God Finds God
Topic: God's Guidelines
Working Title: Galatians 5 - Fruits of the Flesh
Comparing Daniel & Friends to Kings of Babel - Living with and without God
Target Thought:TN recognize the difference between a person being filled with God's Spirit or not.
TN understand that if Jesus is the meaning of life, that is outwardly visible.
Bible passage: Daniel: History at a Glance (Hfa)
For detailed discussion, see PDF file
Day 6: Salvation in Sight
Topic: Rescue
Subject: Daniel's three friends are challenged to put their faith in the
living God. They risk their earthly lives because they
know that their lives are in God's hands. He can save them if He wills.
God shows his power and saves them from the furnace of fire.
Includes actual testimonies of Christians who have escaped death.
Goal Thought: TN understand that God's saving action is the basic meaning of life.
Bible passage: Daniel 3:1-30: God rescues from the hand of the enemy (Hfa)
For detailed exposition, see PDF file
Day 7: Homecoming
Topic: Our Home
Title: Daniel could only pass these many challenges and trials,
because he had the goal in mind.
Many others had the same goal. Heroes of faith of the OT!
What is your goal? Where is your home?
Goal Thought: TN realize that the meaning for life here, only has value in view of the eternal home.
Bible passage: Hebrews 11:17-40: Our Home in Heaven (Rev.21) (Hfa)
For detailed explanations, see PDF file
Devotional concept
Devotional Elaboration Day 1 - Day 7
Robinson Crusoe playing cards
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