
Submitted by Ramba on

Sich im Weitwurf mit anderen zu messen, macht allen Menschen Spass: Die Australier werfen mit Gummistiefeln, die Ostfriesen mit Teebeuteln und in Schottland wirft man auf den berühmten «High-Land-Games» sogar mit Telegrafenmasten.


  • Material you want to throw (stones, cherry pits,...)
  • Measuring tape, so you can measure the distance


There are many ways to compete in long distance spitting: spitting with cotton balls, straws, paper leaves, paper airplanes, balls, bow and arrow or rubber bands. A long-distance spitting competition with peas or cherry stones is also very interesting. You can try to spit as far as possible or to hit a target

Inspiration "World Championship in Cherry Pit Spitting"

The World Championship in Cherry Pit Spitting has been held annually at the Annakirmes in Dueren since 1974. The participants try in a total of six attempts to spit a cherry pit without aids as far as possible along a track about one meter wide. The distance to the unrolled cherry stone is scored, as long as it remains on the track.

More on this on Wikipedia: World Championship Cherry Pit Spitting

Video of the "World Championship Cherry Pit Spitting"

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