Ein Abend am Lagerfeuer

Submitted by Irmgard on

Ein Abend um's Lagerfeuer ist wie geschaffen zum Geschichtenerzählen und diese Geschichten drehen sich natürlich heute um den Wald. 

A story evening: The forest day is slowly coming to an end. We have returned to camp and are sitting together. At tent camp, this gathering can take place around the campfire, and perhaps there is a fire pit at a house camp nearby.

An evening around a campfire is made for storytelling and those stories today are, of course, about the forest.

In turn, each person could tell an impromptu story about what once happened to them in the woods.

You could also choose to focus on a particular theme.

Making up stories

We make up stories about the items we last looked for in the woods. These can be fantastic stories or simply a replay of memories that came to mind when seeing that object.

Depending on the age group, it may be helpful to say that these should only be so-called "throwaway stories", very short narratives. Depending on the age, it is easier to tell when the circle of listeners is not too large.

Forest creatures
Each person in the group thinks about what kind of creature from the forest they would like to be. This could be plants or animals.

We then make up a story together in which all these motley creatures appear. Around the circle, this story can be developed further and further, with each person taking on their desired role in it. It is even possible that a spontaneous theatre develops out of the storytelling.

... and the end of the story
It may also be quite entertaining if there is a story beginning, but the continuation is developed by everyone together. In this respect, the forest is a very grateful subject to find some story beginning.

As it is sometimes said, "Once upon a time, long ago, in a great dark forest. There ...

(See PFD file for details)

Source reference:

Content: Klemens Niederberger with the collaboration of CH WALDWOCHEN in den Schweiz. Children's and Youth Associations, 1990?

- Federal Councillor Flavio Cotti, FDHA
- Forestry Directors' Conference (FDK)
- Education Directors' Conference (EDK)

- Schweiz. Zentrum f. Umwelterziehung (SZU)
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- Schweiz. Bund f. Naturschutz (SBN)
- Bundesamt f. Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL)
- Eid. Research Institute for Forests, Snow and Landscape (WSL)
- Forestry Central Office (FZ)
- Swiss Foresters Association (VSF/ASF)
- Swiss Forestry Association (FZ). Foresters (VSF/ASF)
- Schweiz. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jugendverbände (SAJV)
- Dachverband Lehrer und Lehrerinnen Schweiz (LCH) - Forum schweiz. Elternorganisationen (FSEO)

copyright: CH Waldwochen, Zofingen

Photos: Klemens Niederberger, Peter Frey, Philippe Pomont and others

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