
Submitted by LukiLeu on

Ein kurzes Hosensackspiel, welches gut mit mehreren Teilnehmern gespielt werden kann.


  • Chalk or similar to draw the playing field


At the beginning a snail is drawn on the floor. In this game, the snail coil must be divided into equal-sized squares. These squares must be large enough for a foot to fit in comfortably. The other players choose an order in which they want to hop off. The first player hops on one leg into the middle. If he manages this flawlessly, i.e. without stepping on a line, then he marks any field in the snail's coil with the first letter of his first name. This field has two meanings in the following rounds. The next players are not allowed to hop into the marked field, they have to hop over it. If a player takes his turn a second time, he is allowed to take a little rest on his own field, i.e. he can step here with both feet. The number of these recovery squares increases with each additional player, of course, so hopping to the middle becomes more and more difficult. A player who steps on a line or in a marked field must continue there the next time.

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