Bibel hoch

Submitted by brsmover on

Dieses Spiel eignet sich, um Jungscharkindern spielerisch den Umgang und das Zurechtfinden in der Bibel beizubringen.


Before you should of course point out that there is a table of contents in a Bible, where you can also look up a Bible book if you do not know it just once. If it is now also clear what a chapter and a verse are, it can go smoothly.


If each child has a Bible with them or there are enough in the Jungschar room, the whole group can play it at the same time, otherwise at least 2 Bibles are needed if the game leader has written down the solution.


The task is to find a Bible passage as quickly as possible, which the game leader names. When started, he calls out "Bible up" - this means that the Bible is held above the head and no finger is stuck between any pages. The Bible also remains up until the start. The leader calls out the Bible passage, and the younger members of the group can ask for more information. Then it's "GO!" and now the passage must be read completely to make a point.


Mostly you have different good/bad Bible readers in a group of young people, so that not only one person always gets the points, and the others just give up, the Bible is kept closed after a correct result. This game can be integrated into all kinds of relay games, then the children learn: "Aha, if I know my way around the Bible, that's good for me!"
The whole thing also goes silently against the clock, if the Jungscharler from the other team stands in front of the door for so long and the leader stops the time.
As an extension, you can then have them find items to the passage.

Source reference

  • Game idea: Courtesy of - Ideas on the Internet for the Jungschar
  • Cover picture: Forum Kind issue 4/08, pages 9 + 10. A plea to read directly in the Bible together with children and some helps to do so. © Copyright Ruedi Kündig, Bibellesebund

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