Glücklich allezeit (Song)

Submitted by ML3000 on

Ein lustiges Lied mit Bewegungen.

Das Lied kann auch einfach in Mundart gesungen werden.



At the "Happily Ever After" part, you can clap your hands three times.

It's fun if you sing the song several times and always sing one less part with movement. To do this, you just do the movements silently.


I am from within, without, above, below, happy always,
from within, without, above, below, happy always.
Since Jesus came to me, took away sin from me,
I am from within, without, above, below, happy always!

Lyrics in dialect

I bi vo inna, ussa, oba unda, glücklich alli Zit,
from inna, outsa, oba unda, happy alli Zit.
Because Jesus has come to me, and sins from me have gno,
I am from inna, outsa, oba unda, happy all cit.


Source credits

  • Score image: Provided by ML3000 (ml.3000 (at)
  • Lyrics and melody: Unknown

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