
Submitted by Irmgard on


Viele viele Spiele in 2 Gruppen, im Stuhl-Kreis 

27 Game Notes

American Eagle

In the beginning, 2 catchers and a large horde face each other. The catchers shout, "One, Two, Three American Eagle" The horde responds, "1, 2, 3 British Bulldog". They charge at each other. The horde tries to get to the other side of the field. The captors try to catch someone, pick them up off the ground and without them touching the ground yell, "1, 2, 3 American Eagle, 1, 2, 3 British Bulldog!" Once they have accomplished this, the captive also becomes a catcher.

Flying Dutchman

A circle, you hold hands. Two extra people hold hands and go around the circle. One of the pair strikes a hand link in the circle, then calls out "Come along" or "Run away". The struck pair follows the respective call and either runs after the first pair or in the opposite direction. The pair that fails to rejoin the circle at the end of the round is the new round robin. Beating is encouraged!!!

Fisher which flag

Like Black Man. Question: "Fisherman what flag is flying today?" Answer, "Red (or other color)." All players who have that color on their clothing may pass. After that, the hunt begins.


The players stand in a circle facing the center. One player walks around the circle and drops a handkerchief behind someone. If the person notices this, he must try to catch the runner before the runner takes his place. If the runner is caught, he must throw the handkerchief behind someone again. If he wins, it's the catcher's turn. If a teammate doesn't notice the handkerchief behind him before the runner is once again around the circle, he is the "rotten egg" and must sit in the middle of the circle.

Stick in the circle

About 6 players form a circle with wrist wraps and a stick in the middle. Each player tries to pull or push their comrade so that they touch the stick. Those eliminated may form a new circle.

and other 22 games (see PDF file)

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