Das Schöpfungs-Alphabeth ist eine spielerische Art und Weise, wie die Kinder sich mit dem Thema "Gott als Schöpfer" auseinandersetzten können.
- Printed template with the alphabet or at least paper where you can write the alphabet on
- 1 pen/child
Possible game variants
Variation 1
You can play the game as a competition: Who has written down an animal name for all the letters first?
Variation 2
Another option is to use it as a single post during a post run, where the children are asked to write down an animal name for each letter.
File templates
Source credits
- Title image: Ramun Badertscher, www.ramunbadertscher.ch
- File: Ramun Badertscher, www.ramunbadertscher.ch
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