Forest Day at Camp
16 linked articles on planning a camp in the forest
Methodological tips
Some rules in the forest
The forest day at a glance
The forest in the early morning
Exploring the forest habitat 1
Exploring the forest habitat 2
The forest is full of surprises
Group room and your own space in the forest
Learning about plants in the forest
Learning about animals in the forest
In the twilight of the forest
An evening around the campfire
Forest Day - Game Block I
Forest Day - Game Block II
Forest Day - Game Block III
Forest Day - Game Block IV
The individual program proposals are geared towards group operation. We would therefore urge camp leaders to prepare the forest day well with the GrruppenleiterInnen.
If possible, the individual ideas should be carried out directly with the group leaders. Here are enough ideas to design a whole day program. There has been no "fast food" variety of ideas, but the individual suggestions have been described in detail. Make your own selections on individual forest day focuses.
Depending on the age group, it may make more sense to spread the "forest day" ideas over several days.
Our ideas require little prior knowledge, little preparation, and little materials.We have a fair-weather program with which the forest day can be flexibly scheduled into the camp schedule.
The suggestions can be changed or expanded. "Forest maintenance" with exact consultation and cooperation of the respective forester.
Conduct forest maintenance outreach more effectively in own community, as greater responsibility to forest can come from this.
Involve the local forester in the forest day at the camp site if desired. However, certainly inform the responsible forester at the camp site exactly about the forest day project.
Already known ideas for projects in the forest
- Build huts
- Building a landscape with forest materials
- Scavenger hunt
- various games of catch
- Hide and seek
- etc.
Lunch in the woods
It probably makes more sense to return to the campsite and have lunch there. Firstly, everything is already set up and secondly, the forest is spared from too much interference (is more environmentally friendly). A forest menu can still be on the menu. Forest herbs can be collected on the way home. It is important that everything that comes from the forest is cooked or at least well washed.
Group size
The suggested programs are designed for groups between 6 and 14 people.
Overnight in the forest
To give the forest and its inhabitants a rest after much activity during the forest day, we return to the campsite after dark.
If we still want to spend a night in the forest under the stars, we orient the responsible forester about our intentions.
Source reference:
Content: Klemens Niederberger with the collaboration of CH WALDWOCHEN in den Schweiz. Children's and Youth Associations, 1990?
- Federal Councillor Flavio Cotti, FDHA
- Forest Directors Conference (FDK)
- Conference of Directors of Education (EDK)
- Swiss. Zentrum f. Umwelterziehung (SZU)
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- Swiss. Bund f. Naturschutz (SBN)
- Federal Office for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (BUWAL)
- Eid. Forschungsanstalt f. Wald, Schnee u. Landschaft (WSL)
- Forestry Central Office (FZ)
- Association of Swiss. Foresters (VSF/ASF)
- Swiss. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jugendverbände (SAJV)
- Dachverband Lehrer und Lehrerinnen Schweiz (LCH)
- Forum schweiz. Parents' organizations (FSEO)
copyright: CH Forest Weeks, Zofingen
Photos: Klemens Niederberger, Peter Frey, Philippe Pomont and others
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