Der "Grosse Kuhhandel" braucht als Geländespiel längere Vorbereitung, ist als Spielidee jedoch richtig originell!
Framework topic, 1st phase, 2nd phase
Framework topic
Each group has the task of buying together a large herd of cows at the cattle market and then bringing them home safely in a post race despite a variety of obstacles.
1st phase: cattle market
A kind of "Monopoly" is played. Each group (max. 4-5 young warriors) receives Fr. 50,000 entry fee. On the game board there are fields with the different kinds of animals. There are also fields with information about the post race (Fr. 500.- to 1'500,- depending on the information content) and fields where you can buy vouchers for a visit to the vet, bells for dairy cows or a vaccination card (Fr. 1'000.-). On some fields you can also win or lose money.
The following types of animals are offered (value = selling price):
Breeding Muni........................... Fr. 6'000
good dairy cow...................... Fr. 5'000
dairy cow............................. Fr. 4'000
pregnant cow....................... Fr. 4'000
cattle.................................... Fr. 3'500
fattening muni............................. Fr. 3'000
calf cow................................ Fr. 1'000
retired dairy cow........... Fr 800
Also part of the first phase is an auction. A cub leader is gantmaster and auctions 10 animals to the highest bidding groups.
The first part is over when all the animals on offer (about 50) are sold.
2nd phase: cattle drive (post run)
Now the groups must try to get their herds home as safely as possible via a post run peppered with both good and bad events.
The herd can also be increased in size during the run.
Each group is accompanied on this post run by a leader. This leader makes sure that the instructions on the posts are followed and takes care of collecting and paying out money.
Each group has to run only one post of the same number. It can therefore make up its own running variation (see sketch of the running layout). The groups can put together the most favourable route based on the information they have acquired in the Monopoly game. This information says, for example, "At post 1c you can expect a bad event" or "At post 2a or 2d you can win something".
- A cow falls into a ravine. A card is drawn from the leader and must be turned in.
- A pregnant cow has given birth to a healthy calf. A calf can be added to the herd.
- The foot and mouth disease has broken out. All unvaccinated animals are dying. (Vaccination cards could be purchased at the Monopoly game.)
- An animal has broken a leg. If the group does not have a voucher for treatment at the vet, they must "put down" an animal.
- Lightning strike: the herd is dispersed.
- All dairy cows that do not have a bell can no longer be found and are "lost".
- etc.
The last posts are run by all groups together. There again some animals are auctioned. The mutual comparison and increase brings again tension into the game.
If a group runs out of money on the way, they have to slaughter animals and get 75% of the purchase price for it.
Close of the game:
Counting. Each animal counts according to its value. The remaining money only counts for half.
- Make the game board
- Draw and duplicate animal cards (see examples). Approximately 10 cards per animal.
- Make information cards and special cards (vaccination card, bells, vouchers for treatment at the vet).
- Print play money (or transfer from board game).
- Prepare and unplug post run
Source credits:
Author and images: Martin Weidmann, BESJ
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