Heiss und fettig

Submitted by Ramba on

Ein kreatives Hosensackspiel, welches auch einen hohen Lachfaktor hat ;-)


  • No material is needed for this game


One player names any two trait words to his teammates, for example: "dangerous" and "cute". The players have to think of an object as quickly as possible to which both property words apply. In our case for example: cactus fruit, poisoned chocolates, ... The teammate who first names an item that hits gets a point.

The longer the game goes on, the more imaginative the answers can become. If you want, you can also score the answers based on originality. Example: "red" and "wet" -> washed tomatoes, fire engine in the car wash, tie dipped in red wine, etc.

If no solution is found within 1 minute, the player who gave the trait words gives an answer.

Another example: "hot" and "greasy" -> French fries, freshly fried dog, ...

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