
Submitted by ML3000 on

Der Stopperstek ist ein Knoten, der bei Belastung klemmt und unbelastet verschiebbar ist. Ähnlich wie der Prusik.


With the stopper bar you can relieve ropes under tension. For example, when tightening a rope.

Or you can make a loop that is tight under tension but still adjustable. This can be used to tension a tent

If the knot doesn't hold, simply wrap the rope around the rope more times in step one. This can be the case for thin ropes.


Wrap the rope 2 to 6 times around the rope you want to clamp. (Wrap in the direction you want to load the knot.)


Wrap the rope over the wraps.


Wrap the rope around the rope again.


And pull it under the wrap.


Tighten and you're done.

Image credits

  • Title image: Provided by ML3000. (ml.3000 (at)
  • Images: Provided by ML3000. (ml.3000 (at)

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