The principle of candle making is the same as for normal candle making, but the product is directly edible at the end. It is ideal for public events (parents' event, village event).
- The wick - a grissini stick - is dipped into the liquid chocolate.
- The candle is allowed to dry until the chocolate is no longer shiny or sticky to the touch
- The process is then repeated as desired.
Infrastructure required
- Mulled wine/punch pots filled with about 1/3 water.
- Sheet metal tins (30cm high) with steel plate underneath. This is attached with wire and tape so that the tin does not float and is used for stability.
- Funnel made from thin sheet metal
- Heating plate, pan and small GN bowls to preheat the refill chocolate (water bath) ladles, horn napkins, cardboard plates
- Chocolate: For the Schoggikerzen glaze chocolate (Ueberzugsmasse, vanilla, milk and white) can be used. You can get this at TopCC or through a pastry shop, for example. The chocolate is heated in a water bath to about 40 ° (can usually be adjusted on the pot).
Professionals (that is, confectioners) can also use couverture (must be tempered to 32 °).
Per candle is used about 50 - 80 g of chocolate. - Wick: Grissini sticks are used as wicks. If possible, not the thinnest should be taken, as the stability of the candles will be better.
Tips from practice
- It takes about 4 kg of chocolate to dip the grissini to begin with.
- Important:When drying, the candle must be held straight, otherwise the grissini will break. This must be explained again and again - both to children and adults.
- We recommend that the candle is not thicker than 2cm. This again because of the risk of breakage of the grissini.
- Patience is a virtue. If the candle is dipped too soon back into the chocolate, the layer underneath melts right away.
- The melting of the chocolate at the beginning takes about 2-3 hours depending on the outside temperature
- On public occasions, it is recommended to also have something ready for the parents. These often stay about 15min with the children with you and it is optimal to make contacts and advertising.
- Current: The individual pots must be distributed to different sockets / fuses. Otherwise, the fuse will not hold.
Source reference:
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