Laufspiele im knietiefen Wasser

Submitted by Ramba on

Verschiedenen Laufspiele im knietiefen Wasser.

Run after

When running after, the third parties must be beaten off. Here the pursued hare must save itself diving by the legs of a player.

Black man with diving

All dive and may only be knocked off above water.

Day and Night

The players face each other at 2 paces in the water. The referee throws 1 black and white board between them. The person who sees the day on his side must run away, the other person must follow. (cf. Running - "Day and Night")

Hetzball, Neckball, Schnurball

Everyone throws from the place where he is. String about 70 cm above the water. Under the string = minus point.

Numbered running

Call on 2 numbered players to get the ball into the middle.


  • Cover and content: 1000 Youth Games, KOMM-MIT Verlag

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