If you want to support YoungstarsWiki.org, you can do so financially by making a donation right here and right now on this page.
On the other hand, you can also support YoungstarsWiki.org by advertising on social media, sharing this page, and/or telling your friends directly about YoungstarsWiki.org.
We appreciate all support!
Another option is to ask friends in your circle with their own companies/organizations if they would support YoungstarsWiki.org. In return, they can have their logo(s)/advertisement(s) displayed on YoungstarsWiki.org.
You can find all the details on the Sponsoring page.
Bank account details
IBAN: CH19 0900 0000 6114 0739 1
Account: 61-140739-1 (Postfinance)
Club address
Riehenstrasse 41
4058 Basel
We are happy and grateful for everyone who supports YoungstarsWiki.org with a donation (small or large) and with prayer!