
Sponsorship opportunities
Half year Full year You save*
Advertising on all pages CHF 300 CHF 500.- CHF 100.-

*Calculated over the year if you decide to advertise for the whole year.

The graphics will be sent to us by you in the appropriate size (1920 x 1080 pixels). Any adjustments will be invoiced.

Image size for submission: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Image size displayed on the website: 340 x 192 pixels

Your advertising banner is stored in a pool of advertising banners. These are called up randomly and alternately each time the website is reloaded.

In the past six months, we have recorded 29,100 page views on our site from almost 23,900 visitors. (as of 12.01.24)

If you are interested in supporting YoungstarsWiki.org by advertising with us, please contact: info [at] youngstarswiki.org (info[at]youngstarswiki[dot]org)

Otherwise we are also very grateful for any donation.