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An interactive Bible story about Psalm 23 with verse memorization. With shadow play.

A spiritual concept that is suitable for 9 afternoons. It combines a various comic character with different biblical stories, with different program ideas. Suitable for children from the 3rd grade (youth group age).

Earning and spending money... That's the basic principle of this year's Christmas market. After a short review of the year with the parents of the Jungschikinder, we created our own Christmas market.

We wrote new lyrics to the tune of "The Wellerman" for our seafaring camp. The song was very well received. You can simply keep time with a drum or tap your fists on the table regularly.

Camp program, central theme and devotional concept of the SoLa 2023 of the BESJ Reinach.

Entrance made of pallets with drawbridge for a Gallic village (e.g. in keeping with the Asterix and Obelix theme) or for a castle/fortress etc.

We used drawings and pictures to transform our cart into an ark.

Can of course also be redesigned to suit other themes.

We attached the pictures to the ladder truck with the help of a stapler.


The point of this game is that the children can get really creative by creating something themselves without any rules.

This game is perfect for cooling off in summer. Two teams play against each other and the aim is to get the pieces of napkin on the opponent's arm wet with the help of squirts.


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