The Good Shepherd
1. Biblical reference: Psalm 23
"The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want."
He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters.
He refreshes my soul and guides me in straight paths for His Name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for the rest of my days.”
2. Activity specifics: Interview + shadow play
3. Purpose: To present God's unconditional care for people.
4.Development: The interview will take place in the conference room and will last approximately 9 minutes, during which the group will learn at what key moments the Shepherd took care of Medea's sheep.
5. The Interview- “At Mișa”
Presenter: Gabi
The Meeedea Sheep: Larisa
Shepherd: Daniel
Sheep: Geani
Enemies: Eneida, Magda, Vicky(3-4)
For the first time, Mișa enters to the applause of the audience; a show's music is heard in the background
Talk show melody
Mișu: Hello, dear viewers and viewers! Today we are in a new location, in the mountains, and I have a really special guest, who has many things to tell us! And one more thing, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! The show's rating has increased in recent months and this is only thanks to you, those who choose and have chosen today to watch us and be with us!! And now, I know you are waiting impatiently, so let's welcome my guest, Oița Meeedea with applause!!!
Oița Meeedea: Good morning! Thanks for the invitation! Wow, it's really nice here, at your place!
Mișu: Thank you! Welcome! First of all, so that those who follow us can get to know you better, if you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
Meeedea the Sheep: Hmm, adventurous!
Mișu: Interesting! In all your life's adventures, is there someone who helps you, guides you, encourages you?
Sheep Meeedea: Ooo, YES!! Maybe you're thinking of a friend, a brother or a sister, but no, no! My good shepherd is with me every step of the way!
Awww sound
Mișu: Tell us more! The one you're talking about doesn't seem like an ordinary shepherd! This is where sequence 1 begins - the Shepherd enters with the staff, he signals the sheep to follow him
Piano Sound
Sheep Meeedea: I would really like you to meet him too! He takes care of me in a special way, he pays attention to every detail in my life, he makes sure that I don't lack ANYTHING, even though I was often dissatisfied with what I received! I have never encountered such love in the flock! Imagine the love of a close person in your life and multiply it infinitely! That's how eeee the love of my Shepherd is!
Mișu: Woow! Fascinating! And is it really always there?
Bird sound: Forest river nature
sequence 2 begins - the sound of running water is heard, birds chirping. The shepherd enters and shows the sheep the path they should take.
Meeedea the Sheep: YES! You can't believe it, can you? And he gives me fresh grass to eat, he leads me to fresh, sweet waters, he goes before me and shows me the way to go, he encourages me whenever I'm sad!!
Mișu: Okay! I understand! In the good times, it's with you, but in the bad times, when you're discouraged, when you're stuck in a thorny bush, when things aren't going well, when you're surrounded by sheep and lambs who want you harm, when a wolf is waiting to eat you, then, is it still there?
sequence 3 begins - The sheep enters and sits scared in the middle, while the enemies run past her. The enemies throw strips of crepe paper - "arrows" at the sheep. The shepherd comes and protects the sheep
Sound Hans Zimmer
Sheep Meeedea: Yes! It's incredible, isn't it? There was even a situation where, once, being distracted by the field full of green grass, I was left behind and when I raised my head to continue my journey, two wolves were approaching me and wanted to eat me! At that moment, I thought I had no escape, that my life would end there!! But, the Shepherd heard my voice, stretched out his staff towards me and the two wolves ran away, not even being seen in the distance!
Mișu: Your pastor is on my guest list! It's impressive what you tell me about Him! begins sequence 4
Piano sound
Sheep Meeedea: And that's not all! - The shepherd enters with his staff, after him the enemies enter one by one and sit down. The shepherd sits at the table with the sheep. (table, glass of oil) He stands before those who are against me, who want to steal my peace and joy! He blesses me abundantly, gives me more than I need sometimes, more than I can carry and than I could ever imagine I would have. His blessings are like a glass that is full of water, but you keep pouring, the water will fall over.
Mișu: You really left my followers wondering! But I announced that I had a guest of honor! sequence 5 begins - the sheep is alone and the Shepherd comes and hugs her and that's how the story ends
Sheep Meeedea: In this whole story today, it's actually not about me, but about my Shepherd, the best shepherd I've ever seen, who is ready at any time, regardless of the situation, to be by my side, with me, to go before me, to help me and to leave kindness upon kindness in my life! This is my Shepherd!
Happy Sound
Mișu: Extraordinary! Thank you for sharing your life story with the Good Shepherd! And we'll see you next time with another surprise guest!
I'm a talk show.
The sheep comes out and Mișa connects with his colleague Flavius, who will present the verse
Materials needed:
a large, white material
2 lights (lights, spotlights)
2 chairs
a carafe
a glass
a club/stick
a small table
"La Mișa" poster
I asked 99 sheep
Verse: John 10:10b-11
“I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”
Procedure: The group of participants will be divided into 2 teams. The 2 teams will answer 7 interview questions, after which they must collect 5 words, clues to discover the verse. Participants will come 2 by 2 (one from one team, one from the other team) and will have a button/bell in front of them. The first one who knows the answer presses the button, answers, and if the answer is correct, they get the point. After collecting the 5 words, they have one minute to think of a verse that includes the 5 words. The winning team will finally receive a prize.
1. How is the blessing that God pours out on those who follow Him described by the phrase “my cup runs over”?
Answer: Abundance
2. In Psalm 23, what central figure is responsible for protecting, leading, and caring for the faithful?
Answer: Shepherd
3. Take the guest's name from our skit, okay? Now instead of M add O, instead of E add I, instead of D add L, leave the E and remove the A. What did you get?
Answer: Sheep
4. What was Medea afraid of when she was attacked by wolves?
Answer: for her LIFE
5. What is the intrinsic attribute of the divine essence that manifests itself ceaselessly through the act of providence and that transcends the existential contingency of the guided being?
Answer: Good
poster "I asked 99 sheep"
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