Run after the ball

Submitted by LukiLeu on

A fast-paced relay-like running game that requires only three balls.


  • 3 balls (or similar)


Two teams of the same size each line up about 20-30m apart. Exactly half the distance between them, there are 3 balls on the ground. The two starting players from each team start towards the balls on a signal. Each player grabs one, runs back to his team with it, gives the ball there to the second player in line and starts again towards the last ball in the middle of the field. The player who arrives here first takes the ball and runs back to his line. If he makes it before the player who went empty could touch it, he has scored a point for his team. If he is not fast enough and either gets touched or doesn't even get the last ball, the other team gets the valuable point. After this first round, all 3 balls are put back in the middle and the game starts again. Once all players have had a turn, the points are calculated.


The players number through. A game leader calls out a number. These two now "fight" for the 3rd ball.

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