Einen kreativen Werbespot erarbeiten und spielen, so dass jedes Kind die Möglichkeit hat seine Ideen einzubringen. Jedes Kind ist aktiv im Werbespot beteiligt, so dass kein Ausschluss oder Gleichgültigkeit möglich ist.
- 3 chairs
- possibly further material
Pedagogical goal
Every child in the group is integrated into the task and can contribute their creativity.
Biblical Link
Matthew 25:14-30 Multiply Money - Use Talents
Explain task: Commercial about 3 chairs, present as attractively as possible, e.g. chairs are not normal but can fly. Design with wit. Max 90 seconds.
Collection of ideas: Point out biblical link, then collect ideas.
Presenting ideas: In a circle around, each participant presents his or her idea.
Determine the sequence of events:Afterwards, the ideas are discussed and a sequence of events for the commercial is created.
Play through commercial and change small things if necessary. If possible you can film the spot.
- Each child says min. 1 idea.
- Each child plays along in mockery.
- No more material than the 3 chairs need.
Safety advice
Do not overuse chairs -> normal handling!
Reflection questions
- Were the rules followed?
- Was one idea implemented by each child? Why not?
- Was there prejudice against anyone and their ideas?
- Did they understand the link to the Bible?
Variation / Adaptation
Competition: multiple groups, who has the best commercial?
Leaders contribute ideas if the kids don't have any.
- Cover photo: René Graf
- Images: René Graf
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