Create and play a creative commercial so that every child has the opportunity to contribute their ideas. Every child is actively involved in the commercial, so no exclusion or indifference is possible.
- 3 chairs
- possibly further material
Pedagogical goal
Every child in the group is integrated into the task and can contribute their creativity.
Biblical Link
Matthew 25:14-30 Multiply Money - Use Talents
Explain task: Commercial about 3 chairs, present as attractively as possible, e.g. chairs are not normal but can fly. Design with wit. Max 90 seconds.
Collection of ideas: Point out biblical link, then collect ideas.
Presenting ideas: In a circle around, each participant presents his or her idea.
Determine the sequence of events:Afterwards, the ideas are discussed and a sequence of events for the commercial is created.
Play through commercial and change small things if necessary. If possible you can film the spot.
- Each child says min. 1 idea.
- Each child plays along in mockery.
- No more material than the 3 chairs need.
Safety advice
Do not overuse chairs -> normal handling!
Reflection questions
- Were the rules followed?
- Was one idea implemented by each child? Why not?
- Was there prejudice against anyone and their ideas?
- Did they understand the link to the Bible?
Variation / Adaptation
Competition: multiple groups, who has the best commercial?
Leaders contribute ideas if the kids don't have any.
- Cover photo: René Graf
- Images: René Graf
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