
Submitted by CuBa94 on

Dies ist ein Spiel, bei dem die Kinder sehr kreativ spielen können. Es ist  für Umgebungen geeignet, bei denen die Kinder eine grosse Auswahl an Bastelmaterialien haben. Und dafür eignet sich besonders der Wald.

Game data

  • Age: from 7 years
  • Number: no matter
  • Terrain: Forest,...
  • Leader: 3
  • Duration: 60min - 120min


  • Various craft materials (e.g. a plastic plate for a lake/pond/swimming pool..., NaturPUUR)
  • List for the assessments


No major preparations are necessary for this game. The evaluation list should be available or created and craft materials may need to be organized.

The following activities are suitable for posts:

  • Jump rope
  • 20m sprint
  • Jumping jacks
  • Push-ups
  • ...

Game procedure

*The children should be divided into groups of approx. 2-5 children.
*The formed groups look for a place where they want to build their city.
*The children start building the city and can let their creative side run wild (they can choose the size of their buildings themselves). They can receive additional materials at various posts.
*An evaluation committee visits the built cities in certain time cycles (e.g. every 10-15 minutes) and evaluates them.
*At the end of the game, the group that has received the most points from the evaluation committee wins.

Some pictures of the artworks

Picture credits

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