Why can't I write an article?
- At the moment you have to log in to be able to write an article.
How do I write an article?
*Click on Write article.
*Enter a title and a descriptive text.
*You also need an article image that matches the topic.
*Select one or more categories in which the article should appear.
*Click on save.
*Now add text, steps, images, video or a file.
*If you move the mouse over the gray dividing line, you can add further sections.
How do I edit an article?
- When you are in the "Articles" tab, you can move your mouse over a section at any time. An "Edit" button will appear in the top right-hand corner of the section. You can also delete a section there.
- Move the mouse over the gray dividing line of the sections and insert a new section.
- In the "Arrange sections" tab, you can rearrange the sections with the mouse. To do this, simply position the sections with the mouse and click "Done with arranging sections" at the end
What is the category assignment?
- In the Category assignment tab, you can assign the article to the various categories.
- To do this, simply click on a category so that it becomes colored.
- Deactivate a category in the same way.
- Don't forget to save the assignment.
What is "Deactivate"?
- You can deactivate your own articles in the "Deactivate" tab
- When you deactivate an article, it is not visible to other users.
- This gives you enough time to edit the article.
How must the "sources" be indicated?
The sources must be indicated for every image and every file, even if you have created them yourself.
Create a"Picture credits" section for the sources of the images and list the individual sources. Example:
- Cover photo: Hans Muster, www.xyz.ch
- Photos: provided by Hans Muster
Files and text
For the sources of files and text, create a"Sources" section and list the individual sources. Example:
- filename.doc: MisterX
- file2.xls: www.wikipedia.ch
- Text "Section name": Author, Title, Series, Place: Publisher, Edition Year, Page.
Who is behind the YoungstarsWiki?
The YoungstarsWiki was initiated by the association Juropa - Jungschararbeit in Europa.
What is the YoungstarsWiki for?
In recent years, we have noticed that the leadership teams in the youth groups are getting younger and younger. The old hands are disappearing and with them their knowledge, some of which has been acquired over many years. The YoungstarsWiki is intended to help ensure that this knowledge is recorded and can be accessed quickly. This will give the leaders a platform where they can share all of their youth group knowledge.
There are also plans for other countries to take part in the project in the future so that knowledge can be shared internationally and in various languages.
Brief explanation of the use of YoungstarsWiki
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