5against5 is known as a TV show (family quiz) and is suitable as a quiz game in the afternoon or as an evening show on the occasion of an anniversary or parents' evening. The preparation for this is time-consuming, especially if you create the questions yourself.
Game explanation
As the name suggests, in 5v5 5 players compete against each other as a team. One player comes to the buzzer table for each question. The game master asks the question "We have asked 100 people, name a country that begins with D." Whoever presses the buzzer first, in the example the player from team A, can give an answer, "Denmark", and the answer is resolved. The opponent from team B then also has the opportunity to give an answer. His aim will be to have his answer said by more people. If the player from team B with Germany has given the better answer, the question goes to his team. Each player must now give an answer in turn and the answers are then resolved. If something is said that has not been said by anyone, it is considered wrong; if the answer is delayed too long, it is also considered wrong. Either team B manages to find out all the answers, or after three wrong answers the question goes to team A. Team A can consult in the meantime and may then give another answer; if this is correct, the points go to team A and team B receives nothing.
The game naturally allows for various other variations.
Youth club edition
To make the game suitable for young people and therefore cool, it is worth adapting the questions to the Jungschar and carrying out the surveys yourself. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Jungschar Stami St. Gallen, 40 Jungschar participants, 40 Jungschar parents, 40 Jungschar leaders or 40 former Jungschar leaders were surveyed. With the help of Surveymonkey or other survey platforms, this can be done relatively easily (but still time-consuming). Here are some examples from Jungschar Stami:
- We asked 40 Jungschar parents, what is the most tedious thing about Jungschar?
- We asked 40 Jungschar students what they would like to be when they grow up
- We asked 40 former Jungschärler what was the absolute Jungscharzvieri for them?
The challenge is to create an appealing and functional presentation so that the audience and the other players can see the questions and answers. The difficulty here is that you don't know which answer will be said next. The PowerPoint presentation available for download makes use of the trigger function. If the field is pressed in presentation mode, only the one field is revealed. To use the PPt, questions and answers must therefore be known exactly, as a relatively spontaneous decision must be made as to whether the answer corresponds to a correct answer. The second challenge is to enter the points collected. The easiest way to do this is via 2 additional computers and monitors in a separate presentation.
There are also various options for the participants. As younger children in particular find it very difficult to come up with answers that would not be their first, it is advisable to mix up the teams. At the anniversary of the Jungschar Stami, a formative person from the last years of the Jungschar, a Jungschar mother/father, a former Jungschärler, a Jungschärler and an Ameisli were in each team. In addition to the quiz show, cool contributions from the Jungschärler make for a great evening/afternoon.
Proof of source
Cover picture and presentation: Provided by the Jungschar Stami St.Gallen
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