Play data
- Material: none
- Time: 5-10 min
- Leader: one game leader
Basically, "down" means to get down on your knees and "up" means to get up.
The game leader says "up" or "down" while getting down on his knees or standing up himself. He does not always do what he says. He may also command the same thing several times in a row.
The children should look at the game leader, but only do what he commands. If they make a mistake they are eliminated from the game.
This is done until all or most have fallen out. Then the game leader tells the kids to turn around and close their eyes. Then you do the same thing again. But the children will not make any more mistakes. After a short time you can stop the game and explain the message to the children.
When you look to others, you sometimes make the same mistakes they do. Rather, you should listen to God's voice.
Image credits
- Title image: Provided by ML3000 (ml.3000 (at)
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