Babeldibab bab bab

Submitted by MariES on

This reaction game proves that games can be a lot of fun without a lot of preparation.


  • none


  • The participants line up in a circle.
  • A volunteer stands in the middle.
  • He points clearly to a person, gives a command and counts to 3 (not too fast).
  • If the command is carried out too slowly, incorrectly or not at all by the player concerned (usually their neighbors are also asked), the player who made the mistake must take over the role of the other player and go to the middle.

Possible commands

Babeldibab bab bab

The player in the middle points to a person and says: "Babeldibab bab bab bab". While he is still saying this, the other player must say "Bab". However, if the player in the middle only says a single "Bab", nothing may be said in return. You can also combine, e.g: "Babeldibab bab bab" followed quickly by "Bab". This is a quicker way to lure the other player out of their shell.


  • middle person: holds their arms up at an angle
  • Neighbors: turn around their own axis


  • middle person: screams loudly
  • Neighbors: throw themselves on the floor


  • middle person: dances
  • Neighbors: open and close their hands (flashing lights)


  • middle person: forms a trunk with his arms (one hand grasps the nose, the other arm is stretched through the circle created) and trumpets
  • Neighbors: form ears with their arms


  • middle person: place the index and middle fingers of the right hand over the nose on the cheeks, stretch the index finger of the left hand from below past the tip of the nose through the resulting triangle
  • Neighbors: wave hands (wings)


  • middle person: folds hands and stretches both thumbs down (udder)
  • Neighbors: milk

Palm tree

  • middle person: stretch arms upwards
  • Neighbors: waving arms


  • middle person: forms a pouch with his arms in front of his stomach
  • Neighbors: jumping


  • middle person: hops (toast)
  • Neighbors: embrace the jumping person

Source reference

  • Cover picture: MariES

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