Which group manages to get their flag out of their opponent's field and into their own? This is a movement-intensive terrain game that needs almost no preparation.
Game data
- Duration: per round approx. 10 min.
- Number of staff required: 3 MAs in the lifebändchen issue, 1 referee
- Grounds: Forest, meadow, stubble field
- Flags or similar for the field boundary
- Life ribbons (e.g. made of crepe paper)
- Whistle
- 2 flags in different color
- Find and mark out a suitable area
- There is one playing field per group, each with a marked space in which the opponent's flag is stuck.
- Set up stations for handing out the lifebands.
- Divide the participants into two or more groups.
- Distribute one bundle of life to each participant. This will be placed in the back pocket of the trousers so that it is clearly visible.
- Objective of the game: get your flag through your opponent's space into your own space
- The participants must now try to get into the marked space where their respective flag is without losing the lifebändchen.
- Removal of the little life flag is done by tearing it off (crepe paper). Combat allowed!
- If a player loses the lifebundle, he can't continue playing until he gets a new one at the output.
- How best to bring the flag back to one's own field is left to each group to decide.
- Tossing the flag is not allowed, but can be handed in.
- The opponents may attack the flag bearer and tear off the lifebelt. If the flag bearer loses the lifebelt, he must place it on the ground. The opposing team now has the chance to bring the flag back into their field
- If the own flag is in the own field, the associated group wins one point and the flag is brought back to the opponent's field.
- After 10 minutes, the opponents switch. If möpossible, it is recommended that one group have a break.
- A staff member should pick up the lifebändles lying around from time to time.
- There are always 2 groups playing against each other. With 4 groups so 2 fields, in which always 2 groups fight against each other.
- With 3 groups possibly 2 flags in the respective opposing fields.
- Without lifebanks: If a player is knocked off in the opponent's hex, he must remain standing. He can be freed by having a player of his own group cut off the prisoner.
Source credit
- Cover photo: MariES
- Playout: MariES
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