For one day, the participants take over the management of the camp. A "camp government" elected by the whole camp determines the daily schedule, the program, the menu...
You can now simply have the camp elect a "camp leader" for that day, who will form a "camp government". The preparations for the election: election arrangements, election intrigues, list connections and party formations, agreements between groups and horse-trading behind the scenes can then be quite exciting and are a good opportunity to experience the sunny and dark sides of elections on a clearly visible field.
However, this electoral system has one major disadvantage:
All efforts at attention are focused on the election process and outcome the day before. There is a danger that no one even thinks about what to do with the election victory, i.e. what they will do as the elected camp leader. On Democracy Day itself, the program is then rather dull and boring. Yet the Democracy Day should also be a good experience and thus give the camp participants the confirmation that they can create something meaningful together, even without a leader.
With this system, success is more likely to be guaranteed. It is not an individual who is elected, but a group of 3 to 5 camp participants. The candidate groups must submit an "election platform" beforehand, i.e. very specific proposals for how they would like to organize the daily schedule, the program, the times of day, etc. ... should they be elected as the "camp government". At the election meeting, you are not primarily electing specific people, but a program.
With this type of election, even the youngest members of the camp have a chance to put forward a convincing proposal and be elected. In the other case, the youngest are at most courted as voters, but can hardly become active as proposed candidates.
Only after the middle of the camp
The Democracy Day should only be scheduled after the middle of the camp, because only then do the camp participants have the prerequisites to make their own program suggestions: only then do they know the possibilities and framework conditions of the camp environment (swimming pool, playground, cave, excursion locations ...). It is only during the course of the camp that they get to know each other so well that they know which games and activities are popular and desired by the others. Finally, it is only during the camp itself that groups are formed that can find and represent a proposal together.
The idea and rules of the Democracy Day should already be communicated to the participants in the camp program. In the camp itself, the procedure, the election rules, the general conditions (e.g. budget for food, excursions, entrance fees ...) and any safety regulations must be announced again 2 to 3 days before the election.
The time until the election should not be too long (otherwise everything loses its excitement), but also not too short, so that the applicant groups can form and then consider program proposals.
During this phase, the camp management transforms itself into the "election office" and registers the "election platforms". It can cut unfair election promises (e.g. the promise of three desserts...) or advise against completely unfeasible program proposals (usually unrealistic in terms of time). Experience shows, however, that the camp participants generally come up with very useful and sensible suggestions.
However, it is necessary to cut off parts of the program that involve the leaders in any way or require them as "counter-parties" (e.g. the declaration that the previous camp leaders are free to go...).
The Democracy Day should not be geared towards the camp leadership in any other way!
The younger applicant groups may need advice on how to present their proposal in a good "advertising-technical" way. A "budget consultation" helps with calculating and setting up the menus, the "advertising department" provides posters (wrapping paper), brushes and paints for the voting advertising. Time must be set aside in the program for this activity.
Election meeting:
At the election meeting on the evening before Democracy Day, there is then an "ideas market" at which each group presents its election platform with posters, leaflets, shadow play, "commercials"... . The election then takes place, with each camp participant casting their vote secretly in an urn. After the result is announced, the new "camp government" is of course installed in office.
The "Ideas Market" before Democracy Day is always a kind of hit parade of the most popular camp activities
Each applicant group hopes that its suggestions will "resonate" with as many other camp participants as possible. They therefore listen to what might be popular and think about what they like best about the camp. The "ideas market" before the Democracy Day is a fun spectacle for the camp participants, but for you as the camp leader it is a kind of needs assessment. Here you can see what has been neglected in the camp so far. This will give you ideas for the next camp program. From the menu suggestions you will receive a hit parade of the most popular meals and also an enrichment for the next menu plan.
Responsibility and position of the leaders
The leaders are also responsible for everything that goes on in the camp on Democracy Day. They must therefore negotiate a right of veto and, if necessary, introduce safety regulations. It is often arranged so that the group leaders and leaders can experience an activity for themselves on this day (e.g. a more challenging mountain hike, raft trip, etc.). In this case, however, depending on the size of the camp, leaders must remain with the youngsters. Their tasks and position should be openly discussed with the "camp government" beforehand: When should, may, must they help/intervene in the event of difficulties? It is not only accidents that require immediate action, but also other unforeseen situations where a leader must be present in the camp: Parents visit the camp in passing, a farmer needs information about camp dismantling, a landowner complains about damage done to the land... The "camp government", for its part, may need further information, additional material or instructions on how to use the transfer printer during the course of the day.
A good solution is to turn the leadership team into the cooking team: this way they benefit the camp, keep each other busy and can be called upon if necessary.
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