Find the treat game

Submitted by Hrisko on


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Outdoors in the city
  • At least 3 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour


  • 3 boxes to put the treats in
  • 3 GPS
  • Sheets with the coordinates that lead to the final destination

1. Prepare the coordinates in advance on slips of paper that will lead the children to the final destination. Hide them where you will start the game and the children's goal is to find the slips of paper.

2. Once the children find the slips of paper they can enter the coordinates into the GPS, which can be from a phone or a special GPS. The children then follow theGPS until they reach the final destination.

3. The treat boxes should be hidden in advance so that you can use the coordinates of the places where they are hidden.

4. The end goal of the game is for the children to find the treat boxes.

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