Game with tasks

Submitted by Hrisko on


  • Age group 7 to 14
  • In park, forest
  • 2-3 leaders
  • About an hour


  • Printed tasks on paper sheets
  • Parts of the sentence (printed)
  • Map of the location
  • Balloons
  • Headscarves


You give the map to the children and together they have to use the map to work out which direction they should go. Along the way you should have set the tasks you have set beforehand. The children must find the tasks and complete them. After each successfully completed task, the children are given a sheet of paper with a word that is part of the sentence they have to put together at the end.


  1. All children should be blindfolded except one who will see. Choose an appropriate space that is equal because the child who can see will have to guide the others from point "A" to point "B."
  2. Who was Sarah visiting?
  3. Say the name of the four gospels
  4. Everyone in the group to pray
  5. Take a group photo of the group
  6. Use balloons to make a caterpillar. Blow up the balloons and put them between the children ( child-bubble-child-bubble...). The children have to go from point "A" to point "B" without dropping the balloons. If any of the balloons fall, they have to go back again
  7. Sing your favorite song
  8. Kneel 10 times
  9. Collect 5 types of leaves
  10. Collect 3 kinds of flowers
  11. Make a stool and carry someone
  12. Everyone in the group finds a partner. You have to do a leap like a frog, but you have to glue your hands with those of your companion, without holding them, just have them glued together. You have to get from point "A" to point "B" hopping like frogs without letting go of your hands. If one gets caught or let go you have to start all over again.
  13. Order the sentence

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