- Empty toilet rolls
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Tape
- Marbles
- ...
The participants are divided into different groups. Each of these groups builds a part of the giant marble run. There is no limit to their imagination (for example, loops can be built in). At the end, the entire marble run is tested.
The marble run can be well built in a staircase in bad weather. In dry weather, a giant marble run can also be built on a hillside or in the woods.
Each group can build their own marble run. At the end, it is evaluated which one works best, what creative elements are present, ...
Source reference
- Cover photo: Christian Riedel /
- Poster: BESJ Teamweekend 2017,
- Impressions: Lukas Leuenberger / Jungschar Arth
- Idea: This idea comes from the "Ideas Vernissage" at the BESJ Teamweekend 2017. You can find more ideas of this vernissage in the article BESJ Teamweekend 2017.
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