"You shall be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy." (Exodus 19:2)
"The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also seeks such as these to be his worshippers." (John 4:23)
The BESJ focus 02
Worship has become increasingly important in our churches in recent years. At least as a buzzword, it is everywhere - there are "worship songs", "worship parts" in church services and "worship leaders". Nevertheless, ideas about worship differ widely.
While some seek quiet worship, for others it means joyful celebration and movement! Although the word is on everyone's lips, there is still a need for clarification. The two keynote speeches at the beginning of this issue outline the concept of "worship" from a biblical, holistic perspective. They shed a slightly different light on it. Perhaps we too often confuse "praise" and "worship", as Arne Kopfermann repeatedly emphasizes. While praise is an outward form and expression of our worship, worship happens in depth, with the whole life. That is why we consciously speak of "worship as a lifestyle".
From this perspective, worship is largely uncharted territory in children's and youth work. Singing with children, the band in the teen worship service - both have long been compulsory. And everyone is emotionally involved. But what happens in the depths? Are we really leading our youth into the worship of the holy God? Perhaps we as leaders need to lead the way on this path: Why not live worship as a team?
The practical applications are brief in the booklet. We believe that true worship has less to do with methods and forms than with personal devotion. Anyone who understands this will have no trouble developing their own ways from the ideas given.
About this dossier The BESJ annual focus on "Worship" follows on from the theme of "Vision" (teamweekend 01). After the forward focus, now the upward focus. Dedication and discipleship have already emerged as two central themes in connection with the vision.
The dossier primarily contains presentations and seminars from the main leaders' weekend 02. We would like to thank all the speakers who made a contribution or made their presentation available.
We hope that these contributions will have an impact on Christian children's work - even beyond the BESJ.
BESJ-Jungschar Office Uster, June 26, 2002 Giancarlo Voellmy
1. Worship as a lifestyle
Matthias Spiess
The Backstreet Boys in their first seconds on stage - screams from the crowd, roaring, cheering, rapture... Thousands of young girls are watching their lifelong dream come true - Football World Cup 2002: a round leather is to be put on the net - and millions of boys spend hours every day reading about the latest results.
Both come very close to my definition of "worship as a lifestyle". I'm not talking about the screaming and raving, of course... But rather:
- For these fans, there is nothing else besides them, only their stars. Love is expressed, ecstasy. Only one wish remains - to be as close to the stars as possible. To catch a glimpse, maybe even a touch.
- The fans defend their group, their team, no matter what the others say and look for every snippet of their star and keep it. They know all the songs by heart.
- They know the tour dates. They are always up to date with the goal statistics and points list.
- They often start to dress like this (especially Elvis or Kelly Family fans).
- They are willing to pay almost any amount for a ticket. A few years ago there was a big headline in Blick because a girl placed an ad with the text: "Give sex for Michael Jackson ticket".
Extreme fans will give anything - for one person. Unbelievable really, but unfortunately true far too often.
Worship comes from within
Worship as a lifestyle is not about which songs we should sing with which instruments and how long the worship section in a church should be. Sure, worship times are not wrong! But it is not the outward form, but the motivation, your and my heart, the inner attitude that counts. The fans mentioned above practice "worship" in a much more genuine way than is often done in church.
It is easier to be a fan of something - and to worship something - that you can see or even touch. In India, a special idol can be bought for every problem in life. It is not for nothing that the beloved is also called 'the adored one' in German. When talking about a motorcycle, computer, instrument or combi-mixer-stirrer-grater-kneader, many people quickly lose their enthusiasm. Why is that?
The most important prerequisite is that you know what you are talking about. Nobody worships something they don't know. - Do you know God? What is your image of God? Below you will find various (questionable) images of God, drawn by Max Spring:
Each of us takes with us imprints from the past on how we see God. It is probably a mixture of our parents' upbringing, hearsay, devotions and sermons and hopefully also our own Bible reading and experiences.
Our view of God is always somehow one-sided, everyone also has their favorite topics. You can see this in the texts you use for your quiet time. Or in the content of your devotions, when the main message is ultimately the same in every text.
Recently, I have been focusing on the holiness of God. This characteristic of God is often neglected. Today I am of the opinion that we can only understand God's love and care properly if we are aware of how holy God is.
If we grasp a little of this holiness and greatness of God, it surpasses our enthusiasm for all the combi-mix, stirring, kneading and motorcycles by far! Then we will hardly be able to help but worship God with body and soul.
Worship because God is holy
In Isaiah 6, we read that Isaiah had a special vision. He saw himself before the throne of God and the angels called out to him:
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty! His glory fills the whole earth."
The angels repeat the word "holy" three times. Repetitions were common at the time to emphasize important things. These angels (seraphim) had six wings. Two of them only to cover their faces, because God's glory is so immense that not even angels can bear it.
Surprisingly, nowhere in the Bible is it emphasized three times: "Love, love, love is the Lord..." Therefore, I am sure that the holiness of God is something very special.
"Holy" translates roughly as "set apart / separated". But not simply cut off and then left lying around like a piece of fat that is separated from the flesh. But separated as something special. As something that stands above the rest. It is an attempt to describe how God rises above this world. And thus also becomes a little incomprehensible for us.
God is greater than the earth. He is holier. He has absolute power over it. No human being can create life. We can only prolong or manipulate it. But we can create nothing from nothing. God can. Just one word - and it happened. God has the power to create eternal life. Our shell will disintegrate into earth after death, but inside us is a soul that lives on.
I can't prove it. For many, it's simply unbelievable because you can't see it. I like the image of the philosopher Joostein Gaardner, who writes: "Many a brain has been dissected, but no thought has ever been found." There are realities that are not visible!
God is greater than the universe. He is holier. He has absolute power over it. Planets millions of light years away and there is still no end in sight. God created it. To make this a little clearer, it is once described in such a way that God is so big that he can just about use the earth as a footstool.
God is also above time. He is more holy. He has absolute power over it. For him, a thousand years are like a day and a day like a thousand years. God has always been, always is and always will be!
God is greater than man. He is holier. He has absolute power over us. The Bible says that every person will one day stand before God. Or rather - we will fall down before him when we see his glory. He will then act as judge and divide people into two groups: Those who love Jesus and follow him - They will be able to be in God's fellowship forever.
There is also another side that I do not want to conceal. Those who consciously reject and despise Jesus will remain separated from God forever. God has power over man.
In contact with God
A proper response to the holiness of God is described by a psalmist who says: "Worship the Lord our God! Fall down before his throne, for he is the holy God!" (Psalm 99:5)
Yes, what happens to people who come into contact with this holy God? There are many examples of this. I have picked out a few:
- Seeing God would be fatal. Moses saw him from behind and got such a glimpse of the glory of God that the people could not bear it.
- Isaiah's reaction when he sees himself before God is simply: "Woe is me, for I am lost. For I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips." - When Isaiah sees the glory of God, he suddenly realizes: I cannot possibly stand before God like this! All the things I have already said (not to mention my thoughts)...
- When Peter, despite his skepticism, had the boats full of fish, he said: "Go out from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord."
- The disciples later: "And they were afraid with great fear, saying one to another, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" When the disciples became aware of God's power and might, they had an extreme reverence for God.
- Paul comes into contact with Jesus and is so dazzled by his glory that he is knocked to the ground and goes blind.
In the direct encounter with God, every person recognizes that they cannot stand before Him under any circumstances. Human distrust of God and imperfection are impossible to reconcile with God's holiness.
"Prostrate yourselves before him when he appears in his greatness and power! Let the whole world tremble before him!" (Psalm 96:9)
On our own, we are not in a position to respond appropriately to God's holiness. Because God is definitely so different and so far above us, it is simply impossible to come to him in our own strength. If it stayed that way, we would be hopeless!
God's reaction
Thank God, the Old Testament already describes many times that God is not only unapproachable. As holy as God is - he is also love, because no one loves as much as he does. God did not create man as a puppet for his boring minutes. Despite our flaws, he loves us and wants to build a relationship with us. If we try to put ourselves in God's shoes, we realize that this is in no way self-evident. But it is absolutely necessary!
You could compare the relationship between God's holiness and human sin to the positive and negative terminals of a battery. A direct connection is impossible - the cable burns out.
But Jesus steps into the gap. He takes on our imperfections. He suffers death for us, the punishment we deserve, and thus makes a connection possible. I marvel at the fact that this holy, almighty God is so concerned about me that he sends his Son into this world.
And I marvel at the fact that Jesus - who is of the same nature as God and therefore also completely holy - was prepared to be bullied by his creatures, to be beaten up like this, to be spit on, to be killed and, at the worst moment, to take all the guilt of the world upon himself forever.
Every time we cross over, we are actually saying: "God, you are not good. I don't trust you. Your commandments are not good. I have the right to do what I want. I know better how to live in this world. I rule over my life and I don't need a ruler over my life."
At worst, I even use his grace as a license to live even more selfishly. "Oh, it's not that bad - I'll ask for forgiveness again in the evening", a slap in Jesus' face, but I have to admit that even after many years as a Christian, I am still capable of this.
In some stories in the Bible, God shows the power of sin and says, so to speak: "Be careful! Don't take my grace for granted! - Take my holiness seriously!" I think of the story of Ananias and Sapphira, who lost their lives in a flash because of a lie. That would actually be what we all deserve. That would be fair.
God owes me nothing - I owe him everything. I have not earned grace. If I think I can earn it, then I'm on the wrong track. When I talk about merit, I am, so to speak, putting together a bill with a debit and a credit. Not a chance! We are in debt to God.
One day I will come before God without anything to show for it. Only through his love will he say: "I have forgiven you for all that. You're okay." That is incomprehensible. - He does it anyway.
Our first reaction to the holiness and greatness of God can only look like this: Asking for forgiveness. Even if we have made God small as a buddy. Marvel at the greatness of God. Worship, praise and thanksgiving!
"Now that we have been acquitted of our guilt through faith, nothing stands between us and God. We have peace with him. To whom do we owe this? To Jesus Christ alone. He has opened the door to this new life with God. We thank God with joy that we will one day share in his glory. (Romans 5:1)"
A new lifestyle
A second reaction to the encounter with God concerns my whole lifestyle. For me, worship as a lifestyle means: I want to please God with my life. I give him first place and want to honor God with everything I have.
A picture: Erwin gave me a beautiful tree. With roots, trunk, branches and... maybe some fruit too. It's an ornamental apple tree. It will bear beautiful fruit one day.
In the Bible, faith and a change of heart are described as growth. And as with our tree, healthy faith must also bear fruit. The Holy Spirit produces this fruit in our lives if we let him:
"On the other hand, the Holy Spirit produces only good things in our lives: love and joy, peace and patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness, prudence and self-control." (Galatians 5:22)
If these qualities become more and more a part of my personality, then my thoughts, words and deeds will please God more and more.
We can now simply attach fruit to this tree that we have bought in the store. However, they will soon rot. True fruit cannot simply be attached. They have to grow. Only a tree with a healthy root can grow. It absorbs the strength and converts it so that the tree can grow bigger and produce fruit. - The branch cannot do this on its own - it needs the strength from the root.
You can't just "be good" out of yourself either. You have to have something before you can give. So you need the power of the Holy Spirit to fill your heart. And only such a heart will be able to serve God "from the heart".
The nutrients for growth
As with a plant, certain "nutrients" can promote our personal growth:
- Be grateful, because gratitude gives enormous strength. You give God the glory in your life when you are grateful. Even if you are not always on the sunny side of life, there are always many reasons to thank God. Enough to eat, forgiveness, freedom, God's creation, friends, etc.
And then there really are situations in which we feel totally wronged. Or there are other reasons why we don't feel like giving thanks at all. James gives us some good advice here, in a matter-of-fact way that is almost annoying:
"Is anyone suffering among you? Then let him pray! But if anyone is well and has reason to rejoice, let him sing praises to God." (James 5:13)
Suffering is obviously not quite enough for singing, but you should make up your mind to pray. Put it into practice and you will see how God will change your life.
Read the Psalms, for example Psalm 43. First the psalmist complains about all the injustice, about his worries and problems. He complains to God that he has let him down. Then the thought apparently occurs to him that instead of complaining, he would do better to go to the temple and he begins to worship God.
"At your altar I will worship you, I will rejoice over you and cheer you. I will gratefully play the zither for you, my God!" (Psalm 43:4)
As he prays - and it is obviously an act of will - he begins to rejoice. He becomes grateful. His perspective changes completely. His needs are no longer important, but God's greatness and possibilities. Then he asks himself:
"Why am I so sad? Why is my heart so heavy? I want to hope in God, because I know that I will thank him again. He is my God, he will stand by me!" (Psalm 43:5)
There is a praise and thanksgiving cure that I learned from Hanspeter Nüesch. It really works, I test it almost every morning. It goes like this:
When you wake up in the morning, don't start by thinking about everything that will come your way, but start by giving thanks and praising God. Give thanks for the new day. For the fact that you can go into a new day that God has already prepared. Praise God for his strength and for the love he has in store for you.
- Be content with what God has provided for you. We so often compare ourselves to the strengths of others and want to be like them. This also applies to outward appearances. Different nose, longer legs etc. . A well-known children's song puts it in a nutshell: "Hans in the Schnäggeloch has everything he wants. And what he wants he doesn't have and what he has he doesn't want - Hans in the Schnäggeloch has everything he wants." God wanted you exactly the way you are. You are "very good!", as God judged us at creation. You are a beloved child of God.
The right question is: Who do you believe? Your desires, the current trends - or God?
- Make good use of the gifts God has given you. No matter how many and what kind of gifts you have: You have been commissioned by God to use your gifts for him. For the glory of God. This is worship as a lifestyle.
"I serve him (God) with everything I am and have, proclaiming the message of salvation through his Son." (Romans 1:9)
- God should have a place in our thoughts and prayers throughout the day. We are very often called upon by Jesus to share our concerns and requests with God. Most of us would agree that this is one of the most important things of all - both for the success of our personal lives and for youth work.
Nevertheless, I have heard that the average prayer time of born-again Christians is around 3 minutes per day. - "You do not have because you do not ask," says Jesus.
It can be a help if you look for times that could be used more meaningfully in a simple way. This could be an agreed prayer time - everyone prays at a certain time right where they are. I myself use the drive to the office in the morning for prayer. I deliberately don't turn on the radio. In these fifteen minutes, I pray for the day, for other people, for the BESJ or other intentions. Instead of one prayer time, it can also be many individual ones that make you aware that Jesus is really there.
- Take times of silence. We live in a very hectic time. Burn-out is no longer a foreign word for many. We are challenged at work and stressed in our free time. There is music everywhere. No matter where we look, there is almost always something to read. And there's always a text message waiting on our cell phone.
"Go now to a lonely, quiet place!" Jesus said to them. "You need rest!" There were so many people with them that they didn't even have time to eat." (Mark 6:31)
God speaks above all in silence. Jesus went into silence before making important decisions. Elijah heard God in silence. How can God speak to you and me if we don't give him the opportunity to do so? Imagine you want to say something important to a friend, but they keep looking at their watch, running off again, interrupting you, etc.?
- Rejoice in praise. God delights in our songs. Many psalms call on us to praise God with songs. Praise brings us closer to spiritual truths. We know many Bible verses by heart because they appear in songs. Songs "run after you" and accompany you through the day.
However, there is hardly as much lying as in praise. We make promises and say things that we would otherwise hardly say. ("And if you hand us the heavy cup, the bitter one, we will take it gratefully without trembling..." / "Here I am, send me..." / "The highest thing in my life is to serve you...", etc.). What we sing must correspond to life. Even in biblical times, people thought they were very pious and attended church services - but exploited the poor. God says:
"I hate your celebrations, they are downright disgusting to me, I detest your sacrificial feasts. I do not accept your burnt offerings and food sacrifices, and if you fatten animals to offer them to me, I am completely indifferent. I can no longer listen to your loud songs, spare me your harp strumming. Instead, stand up for justice!" (Amos 5:21)
Clear words!
- Seek fellowship with other Christians. You can discuss things together, pray together and sing together. Many things are easier together. In a community there is complementarity, sympathy and correction. Important prerequisites for growth.
In contrast to Eastern religions, the Christian faith is based entirely on community. Even the first church cultivated this very intensively by providing for each other materially and spiritually.
- Take time to study the Bible.
"God's word is full of life and power. It is sharper than the blade of a two-edged sword; it penetrates our innermost being, separates the human from the divine and strikes us deep in the marrow and bone. This word is an incorruptible judge of the thoughts and secret desires of our heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
Personal Bible reading time is extremely contested. Perhaps because Satan knows how important it is for our growth. - If worship is to be your lifestyle, you must let God influence you. God Himself speaks to you primarily through the Bible!
Sometimes it is a question of method whether Bible reading is interesting or not. Ask other Christians how they make this time with God interesting and find your personal form. Often it's a question of time: you can't take 10 minutes and think that you'll then draw in the big insights. God should shape your life and not soothe your "I-should-read-the-Bible-conscience".
Living fully with God
So there are plenty of treasures ready for us to absorb. Their strength must flow through the trunk into the branches and the fruit. A tree simply allows this to happen - if it is not injured, it happens by itself. We humans are usually a little more complicated. Our will resists taking God into us completely. We may be happy to release two or three lines, but really our whole life?
Take another look at the attached fruits. God doesn't just want to make cosmetic changes in your life so that you look a little better and do a few more good works. It goes much deeper. It's about your will, which by nature rebels against the influence of God. It is not our nature to subordinate our will to God's will. "Thy will be done" - means in concrete terms: I put God first. And this should be visible in the way we deal with time, money, planning, etc. . We simply find that difficult. We want to decide for ourselves.
Satan, the "father of lies", wants to whisper to you that God doesn't mean well with you. That he wants to take things away from you. That he only wants to secure his power. But you can be God yourself... Eve fell for these lies. The truth is: God has good things in store for you, something that you can't get for yourself.
Nicodemus, who was educated and lived correctly, came to Jesus and wanted to know more about him. Jesus answered him: "I tell you one thing, Nicodemus: anyone who is not born again cannot enter God's kingdom." Born again - not just a little positively changed!
- God wants all of you. I like C.S. Lewis' blatant sentence: "He does not want to torment your will, your desires and needs - but to kill them!" God does not want to drill out the rotten tooth, put on a crown or seal it, but pull it out. It is about total surrender and submission, but this makes you free for God.
Surrender means:
- Complete trust in God. He cares for you. He means well with you. I lay my whole life at his feet, so to speak, and say: Take it - make something of it!
- I don't have to recognize everything - but I do everything I recognize. If God shows you things that are not right, turn around, clean them up. If God shows you how you can help others - do it.
That's the point of the nutrients I explained earlier. So you live more and more for the glory of God. You no longer do it because you have to, but because you love God more and more. He will make you a blessing in this world. You will leave traces that will be seen all the way to heaven. You will collect treasures in heaven with eternal value.
"The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love him with all your heart, with all your devotion, with all your strength." (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
2. The power of worship
Peter Blaser
Let us take you to a barren island of about 36 square kilometers in the Aegean Sea. A man stands in a lonely bay. Over the roar of the surf, his gaze wanders into the depths of the horizon. Here and there, groups of waves flash like diamonds in the sunlight. The rocks stand out warm and golden against the steel-blue sky. A new world opens up in this turbulent calm.
"It was one Sunday when God's spirit took hold of me. I heard a mighty voice behind me, piercing like a trumpet: I turned around because I wanted to see who was speaking to me. Then I saw seven golden candlesticks.
In the middle of them stood one who looked like a man. He was wearing a long cloak and a golden belt around his chest. The hair on his head was like white wool, bright white like snow. His eyes glowed like flames of fire, his feet shone like molten gold in a furnace, and his voice boomed like a thundering waterfall.
In his right hand he held seven stars, and the words from his mouth seemed like a sharp, double-edged sword. His face shone as brightly as the sun.
When I saw this, I fell down at his feet as if dead. But he put his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid! I am the first and the last, and I am the living one. I was dead, but now I live forever and ever, and I have power over death and the kingdom of death." (Revelation 1:12-18)
With these words, John describes his encounter with Jesus on the island of Patmos. A powerful apparition - different from how we often imagine Jesus. No wonder John falls to the ground as if dead with fear and awe. An indelible event in John's memory. It had a deep impact on him, just like his encounter with Jesus as a disciple in his younger years.
Encounters with Jesus have a lasting impact on my life. Where do you encounter Jesus in a formative way?
Who do I worship?
The Bible says that the living Creator God and his Son Jesus Christ are to be worshipped.
"You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only" (Deuteronomy 6:13)
Who is this God and his Son who deserves our worship? On the one hand, it is the holy, worthy God and his Son, who allowed himself to be "degraded" for us:
The worthy God
Creator of all life, the Wisdom, the Mighty, the unlimited Ruler, the All-embracing, the All-pervading, the Truth, the Light, the Holy, the Communicating, the Just, the Merciful, the Gracious, the Revealing, the Living, the Glorious, the Eternal, the Sinless
The "degraded" God - Jesus Christ
the incarnate, the humiliated, the despised, the unwanted, the misunderstood, the outcast, the one called a liar, the one spat upon, the beaten, the abandoned, the tempted, the mocked, the laughed at, the crucified, the condemned, the flogged, the rejected
My sin has turned the worthy God into the "degraded" God in Jesus! But the glorious God becomes even more glorious, even greater, even more incomprehensible through his incarnation and through all that he endured for us in Jesus - and at the same time, precisely because of this, becomes accessible to us.
Becoming aware of who or what I worship is very important. Because what I worship has power over me. Everyone worships a god! Either the true, living God or a substitute god. That is why the question of the object of worship is so crucial!
Is it the living God, or are you worshipping substitute gods such as
- Profession, career
- Possessions
- Fun, adventure, leisure, mobility
- Girlfriend, boyfriend, life partner, children
- the good feeling of praise
- piously disguised self-realization in the church
- the Ameisli, Junschi, teen or sports work
- Reputation, honor
- Hobbies
- Computers, cell phones with all their facets
God has given us everything in his riches and we can rejoice in his gifts. But if we worship the gifts, they become idols. Idols rob us of our authority, our credibility, because they are more important to us than Jesus, because they do not correspond to God's will and rob Him of first place in our lives. For God says that he is a jealous God who does not allow his honor to be "stolen".
When it comes to the power of worship, the question of the God I worship must be clarified in my life.
We are created to worship God
When I look at God and Jesus with my spiritual eyes, I cannot help but worship him. It corresponds to the purpose of life that God has assigned to me. I was created to worship him. That is my raison d'être.
"According to his plan and will, God has already appointed us as his heirs in advance through Christ. Now we who have waited a long time for our Savior are to glorify God with our lives." (Ephesians 1:11-12)
The second part is literally translated: "...that we, who have hoped in Christ beforehand, may be to the praise of his glory." In numerous other places, the Bible also calls on us to worship God - often in command form!
"You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only." (Deuteronomy 6:13)
"Bring the glory of his name to the Lord." (1 Chronicles 16:29)
"Worship him in holy adornment." (1 Chronicles 16:29)
"Give glory to God." (Revelation 14:7)
"Worship him who made heaven and earth." (Revelation 15:4)
"Worship God." (Revelation 22:9)
"Praise the Lord." (Psalm 147:1)
"Let us not stop praising and thanking God in the name of Jesus. These are our sacrifices with which we confess God." (Hebrews 13:15)
How do we worship
When we look at the temple service instituted by God in the Old Testament, it is striking: God places great emphasis on worship through music, singing, clothing, certain purifications, the sermon, sacrifices, etc. He also "decreed" a number of longer festivals for his people with the following objectives:
- his worship
- Joy in him
- Joy and thanksgiving for his gifts
- Remembrance of his deeds
- Proclamation of his name
- Joy in one another and encouragement
God himself is very creative. So we should and may also be creative. We can worship God in very different ways, in different forms and with different attitudes. This is often a question of type. Some people prefer to sing, make music and dance, while others prefer peace and quiet. Ultimately, God wants more than creative forms and attitudes - he wants my heart! And he wants it completely.
God wants our worship to be sincere, honest and credible, i.e. to spring from our love for him. Is this a special feeling of love, a feeling of well-being? Is it a special spiritual state? Can our love for God be measured?
Yes, Jesus said:
"Whoever accepts my commandments and lives by them loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father. I too will love him and make myself known to him." (John 14:21)
The proof of love is obedience to God and his word.
"Samuel replied: "Which do you think the Lord is more pleased with: many burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his instructions? I'll tell you one thing: obedience is more important than slaughtering sacrificial animals. It is better to listen to the Lord than to bring him the best sacrifice." " (1 Samuel 15:22)
How often do I think I can get around obedience with sacrifices of time, finances, commitment, etc.? In the deepest dimension, we worship God through obedience!
We can talk about worship, organize creative worship or praise in church, camp, team. However, if obedience to Jesus and his word is not visible in our lives, every form remains a hypocritical, pious ritual, perhaps even a professional show. The feeling of it can blow us away - it has nothing to do with God! Jesus said:
"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." (Matthew 15:8)
Today we are called upon to examine ourselves personally and make sure that Jesus does not have to say the same about us, about me and you.
The power of worship
What does true worship do in my life? If worship has power in it, then it has a corresponding effect:
- aligns the heart with Jesus - I encounter him, he shapes me
- strengthens trust, faith in Jesus - I trust him more
- makes me thankful - I learn, as Paul says, to be thankful in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18), which results in great blessing
- frees me from myself - looking to my neighbor, not to my ego
- encourages social commitment - a willingness to serve instead of being stressed by pleasure
- makes you credible - a potential for practical proclamation is released
- leads to humility - I see myself in the light of God
- gives joy regardless of the situation - life is in line with the will of God
- gives everything in life the right value, priority - today a big problem In short: worship changes my life to the image that Jesus has of me. The power of worship changes the mind, the attitude and thus the quality of worship grows (2 Cor. 3:18).
Some examples of this:
- Paul and Silas (Acts 16:16-39) praise and glorify God in prison. God intervenes through an earthquake and they are set free. In response to their praise, God acted completely unexpectedly - with tangible consequences.
- Shelter Now(Georg Taubmann in an interview) - Employees of the aid organization are arrested in Afghanistan. "We prayed together several times a day, read the Bible, sang hymns, read psalms as if they had been written just for us. Our hearts found peace. The fact that we got out of here alive is one of God's miracles after another."
- Daniel (Dan. 6, 1-29) shows uncompromising faithfulness to God. Despite the threat of being thrown to the lions, he opens his window three times a day and prays, as always. Daniel experiences God's protection in the lions' den because he is obedient and confesses his faith in God.
We long to experience God and run from event to event. And yet frustration often remains because we only experience Jesus superficially and the good feeling quickly evaporates. We want to experience Jesus without wanting to fulfill his conditions. In many places, Jesus has degenerated into a vending machine, a good guy who has lost his holiness and who I can do with as I please.
But God is holy. He hates sin. We owe him submission and obedience - even where we don't understand it!
- Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:18-24) The king of Judah was beset by enemies. Jehoshaphat turned to God and followed his instructions with all the people. In the end, there was no fighting - various enemy nations had finished each other off!
- A personal experience: the political community denied me a building permit for a small garden building. I was seething, thoughts of protest and defiance ran through my head. But God helped me to be thankful. And indeed, all the resentment and rebellion disappeared.
But the best was yet to come: four days later, the building secretary informed me that the application would be submitted to the local council for a positive decision. I could count on the permit.
It doesn't always work out that way, sometimes God leaves things as they are. But I realized that without obedience on our part, we would never have experienced God like this. - Joseph (Genesis 39:6-13) enjoys all the freedoms as a valet in Potiphar's house. One day, Potiphar's wife makes him a tempting proposal. Joseph rejects it and flees - and she slanders him, saying that he has molested her.
Joseph is sent to prison. Things don't look good for him. What has his loyalty to his master achieved now? But his obedience is rewarded, even if not immediately. He eventually becomes the second highest man in Egypt.
These examples show pure worship of God. Even if worship and music are not always at the center. Here, people are obedient to God's word, they are willing to submit to his will and profess their faith in him.
How does true worship grow?
It is clear that deep worship does not happen from one day to the next. Consistent living as a follower of Jesus takes time. You could call this growth process "spiritual breathing":
1. i recognize my sin - even as a child of God
2. i genuinely repent - letting go of what is wrong
3. i put right what I am aware of - in a very practical way
4. i submit myself to Jesus - a change of rule
5. i cultivate a supportive community.
Many Christians have never made a change of rulership in their lives. As a result, they live in constant self-deception. They think they are redeemed, but in reality God does not know them. Jesus said:
"Not the one who keeps calling me 'Lord' will enter God's kingdom, but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
The change of lordship does not manifest itself in perfect sinlessness, but in consciously working towards living according to God's will, consciously avoiding sin and following Jesus in obedience. Without acknowledging and confessing sin, there will be no change of rule!
If you are not sure, or if you are consciously leading a double life, confide in someone who can advise you on the basis of the Bible. God wants to help you change your life.
The power of worship is a reality
What would happen in our teams, what would happen in our country if we pushed through to real worship of God through our lives? - Our relationships would be intact. Our society, our country would change for the better. Our mission would be fulfilled: Thousands of young people could come to know Jesus! It's up to me and you.
"Lord, happy are the people who jubilantly celebrate you as King! You yourself are among them and bring light into their lives. They rejoice in you every day and are happy because you keep your promises. You alone make them strong; through your love they gain prestige and power." (Psalm 89, 16-18)
May Jesus Christ reveal himself to you and give it to you for his glory.
3. Worship course
Nadine Kuhn
A way for you to worship God in peace in different ways - tested 1:1 at the BESJ main leader weekend 2002.
On the worship course you can get to know and practise different forms of worship. Each post describes a different form of worship.
Each participant is on their own. They decide for themselves how long they want to spend on each form.
A worship course can only be carried out in the way described above for teenagers and older. For children, it would have to be adapted so that it could be completed in small groups, each with a leader.
The number of stations depends on the space available. It is important that the environment is quiet and that the different stations do not interfere with each other.
The design can be changed and individually adapted at any time, depending on the age group, location and possibilities.
You can find out what materials you need in the individual item descriptions. Item descriptions Starting in the next column, you will find a detailed description of the course. Instructions or predefined texts are printed in boxes.
0. Entrance hall
In the entrance hall, a poem invites you to be still with God. You can write this in large letters on posters. The ticking of clocks underlines the content.
Appointments, appointments, appointments... Suddenly it was pounding in my memory. But they didn't just suddenly appear, one after the other. No, they were brought to me one by one. Soliciting, cajoling, insinuating, urging, demanding! All appointments - apparently appointments for YOU, my GOD. Over time, they became a confusing colossus, driving me restlessly forward. That's when I got scared for the first time! I got myself a mini planner to help me keep order in the abundance of my appointments. That would be enough - I thought! I entered all my appointments. But the line per day wasn't enough! I got myself a larger planner. Apart from the one line, it had space for more entries. So I was able to enter more appointments: events, meetings, courses, lectures, evangelizations, church services, Bible studies, visits, seminars, etc. I was surprised for the second time! That was the second time I was startled! With all these appointments for YOU, my GOD, with all my being on the road for YOU, with all my commitment to YOU, I didn't realize that the appointments with YOU, the consultations with YOU, the times with YOU were becoming fewer and fewer! They were too short! They were displaced by the so-called activities for YOU, my GOD! I found - today I know: took me! - no more "quiet time"! Even worse: I no longer found any quiet time for "quiet time". That startled me for the third time! There was still not enough time in my diary! I couldn't keep track of all my commitments. So I bought a new, larger one. There are lots of them on offer. It had options for writing in the day and night hours. I entered everything again. And lo and behold, I managed to fit almost everything in! Even a few hours for sleeping were planned in. At certain times, however, these also dwindled to a minimum. But I was satisfied myself. I had a rich, full and eventful life, filled to the brim - although today I ask myself whether it was fulfilled - in service to YOU, my GOD!
From Dates, Dates, Dates by Kurt Scherer, Johannis, 1999
Through a curtain of paper strips, you are now immersed in prayer time.
Now take time with God, all by yourself. Eleven different prayer stations are available to you. The idea is not that you have to visit them all. Instead, take enough time for each individual station. You can find out where the stations are on the map. The order does not matter. Take a notebook and a pencil for notes, thoughts, ideas, prayers,... and enjoy the time!
Worship course
Image meditation nature
Psalm 104, 1-24 as an audio-visual show with matching pictures
Last slide:
- Take your time and thank God for his wonderful creation!
Material: Slides, slide projector, Psalm 104 on CD or cassette, CD player.
- Song
Listen to a powerful worship song and read the lyrics.
Listen to the song, consciously concentrate on the lyrics and, if you want, you can also sing along.
Material: Song on CD, CD player, lyrics of the song on transparency, overhead projector
- Image meditation cross
A picture of the crucified Jesus hangs on the wall.
Look at the picture. Thank Jesus for what he has done for you.
Material: Picture, enlarged on poster.
- Laundry
Laundry lines are stretched around the room and notes are attached to them with clothespins.
What can you thank God for?
Write a key word on a piece of paper and pin it to the wall. You can also write several notes. Also read the notes that are already on the wall.
Thank God for it now.
Material: notes, pen, washing line, clothespins
- CH
Large map of Switzerland on the wall.
Think back to your Ameisli, Jungschi or teen work. What can you be thankful to God for?
Write your thoughts on a post-it note and stick it in the region of Switzerland where your group is located.
Also thank God for another note that is already stuck on the card.
Material: Large CH map, post-it, pen
- People
Image meditation with pictures of people hanging on the walls.
Look at the pictures
Thank God for five people you know and their characteristics.
Material: Pictures of people
- Letter
Writing and praying a letter or poem to God- You have two options for writing a letter:
- Write the continuation of a poem of praise you have started on the wall.
- Write a poem of praise or a letter in your notebook.
- Now pray your poem of praise.
Material: colored wrapping paper on the wall, scribe, beginnings of poems
- Painting
A picture of Jonah 2 is to be painted.- Set up a painting area. (Don't forget the newspapers!!)
- Now listen to Jonah's prayer. Draw a picture that fits the text for you.
- Don't forget to tidy up your place.
Material: Neocolor, newspapers, text Jonah 2 on CD or cassette, CD player
- Tracks
With the help of the poem Traces in the sand, reflect on God's gifts in life and give thanks for them. The floor of the room is covered with sand so that you can leave your own traces.- Read the poem.
- Now walk your own life trail. Imagine your birth as you take the first step. Where did God carry you? Whenever you think of something, stop and thank God for it.
Material: poem written in large letters, sand on the ground, plastic for under the sand.
- March
Walk with candles and psalm in the open air.
Take a psalm, a candle and a windbreak. Light the candle. Take time to pray the psalm aloud or silently as you walk around the area.
Material: Psalm 111 copied onto a piece of paper, candle, windbreak
This post is well suited as a conclusion. It could also be designed as a processing time.
- Throne
Worship before God's throne. - A large throne stands in the room, illuminated by spotlights. There are prayer chairs in front of it.
Imagine coming before God's throne. Worship God and thank him for his greatness.
Material: Throne (armchair wrapped in cloth and foam), spotlight, prayer chairs
You can order the prayer chairs from:
Schreinerei Arche, Dammweg 60, 3400 Burgdorf - One piece costs about CHF 30 plus shipping costs.
4. Worship in a team
Giancarlo Voellmy
No group is better than its leadership team! If worship with the kids and teens is important - it's even more important for the team!
Worship belongs in every Christian community. In the team, the focus is on preparation. But the spiritual dimension is an inseparable part of it. A team that prepares spiritual programs but has no spiritual life of its own cannot do justice to its task!
Experience has shown that worship achieves a great deal with little additional effort. It helps to resolve tense situations. It helps to overcome obstacles and problems. Worship and thanksgiving are an important counterbalance to prayer. It focuses the team's attention on God and what God is doing.
Worship should become an integral part of the team meeting. By integrating God into our team as much as possible, we also give Him the glory for what is happening.
There are different ways in which this can happen:
- Prayer time: set aside a time to pray for the session, for the planned event, for the children.
- Singing: Schedule time to sing a few songs, preferably at the beginning of the session. Singing also has an emotional effect - good form for stressed leaders.
- Sharing: Talk about personal concerns, but especially about positive experiences. Emphasize the strengths of others. Give thanks for them.
- Prayer diary: Do you remember what you prayed for two weeks ago? If you want to praise God with good reason, write down prayer requests and their fulfillment. A motivating experience!
Another basic form of worship in a team: do your best. Be reliable, stand up for others. In doing so, you honor God!
Depending on the situation: Songbooks, guitar, prayer journal, wrapping paper, scribe...
Special features
An effective measure that can be introduced with little effort. Over time you will find your own style.
5. Worship in nature
Hans Bieri, 44, farmer in Batenberg, active in the BESJ region of Thun
Worship with the wind in your hair - is nature also a place of worship? And not just for off-road games, campfires and adventure?
Nature invites us to formative encounters with God. I am overwhelmed when I immerse myself in God's creation. Amazed, I allow his wonders to take effect on me. My heart fills with awe and gratitude, opens up and bubbles over. The worship of our great God becomes my desire.
Try it in your group! You have many possibilities.
Learn to marvel at creation through intense experience and thereby worship God with desire and from the heart.
We find this worship frequently, especially in the Old Testament, e.g. Psalm 95; parts of Psalm 104; but also in Acts 17:24. Marvel at creation, worship the Creator! Romans 1:23+25.
When we look at impressive natural phenomena (sunset, waterfall, mountains etc.) we become aware of God's greatness. From there you can lead to worship. It is possible to organize an entire event around this - go to a selected place, work in small groups on the natural wonder, read relevant Bible passages, input to deepen our understanding...
But actually every outdoor event offers an opportunity. It is worthwhile to spontaneously look at the "small" witnesses of God's great creative imagination together.
Worship with "wind in your hair" is suitable for all ages!
There are (almost) no limits to your imagination and variations are possible depending on the local conditions.
The starting point for this form of worship can be an overnight stay outdoors, a camp, a summit ascent (you don't need a four-thousand-meter peak for this). The topic "Creation - Evolution" could also be a possible occasion, but also just a Bible text or a new song with corresponding content.
Scientific facts about animals and plants can also amaze!
Our Creator provides the material free of charge. Ingenious, isn't it?
Special features
Your own enthusiasm for nature is particularly important as a leader. Don't do the preparation in a "quiet room". Go to the site of the event, let yourself be filled with the impressions, feel the "wind in your hair", learn to be amazed anew. And you will be able to credibly lead your group into worship. Respect given boundaries. Your movement in nature should be characterized by respect. Respect for people too: When entering the breeding grounds of water birds or a hay meadow about to be harvested, nature conservation officers or farmers become highly unpleasant contemporaries.
Working aids
There is information on practically every topic in nature on the Internet or in libraries.
6. Rapping Bible verses
Michael Kilchenmann, 29, King's Kids employee
Speaking the word of God is a high form of worship. We show him that we take him seriously. What could be better than young people falling in love with the Bible?
It is our responsibility to impress the Word of God on children and young people (Deuteronomy 6:6,7)! God gives us the creativity to try different things in order to see as much fruit as possible in the lives of the children. The Word of God works through itself (Isaiah 55:11), especially in the mouths of children (Psalm 8:3). Worshiping God with the Bible - a powerful thing!
There are many creative ways to learn Bible verses. One of them is rap. We use rhythm to add some variety to the tone of voice. It helps to clap or snap your fingers to it.
The content of the chosen Bible verses should not be changed. However, the words can be exchanged so that they rhyme better. There are no limits to creativity.
This form of learning is suitable for all ages.
The rap can be based on an existing song or a specific beat.
Older kids make their own raps!
Learning by doing!
It is possible to create a varied and exciting time without using a lot of material. The Bible and a few good ideas are already enough to bring the young people closer to God's word.
Work aids
On the CD "Ig u mini Fründe" by King's Kids you will find some great examples of Bible verse raps!
(Order from www.kingskids.ch)
Special features
Good raps become catchy tunes! The children also speak them at school, on the playground, etc. - mobile word of God...
7. Creative prayer with children
Mirjam Stoll, 25, used to run Kidstreff and now works at King's Kids.
Did you know: Praying is not boring! Especially not when you pray with children. It is possible to get children excited about prayer! Try it creatively...
When we browse through the Bible, we come across many a story in which God deals with his people in unusual and creative ways. A very good example is the story of Joshua, where God gives the people of Israel very specific instructions for a "prayer march". In the New Testament, Jesus regularly speaks to people in parables and visualizes situations using objects.
The idea
Prayer does not necessarily mean sitting on a chair with closed eyes and folded hands. This idea does not inspire at all. Rather, we value the fact that the children are active and can somehow identify with the request. Very often we use symbols or parables from our everyday lives.
The aim is a prayer time that is also fun - as part of the Jungschi or as a prayer meeting.
Kids aged 8 - 12 in particular find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. At this stage of development, they need to be active and do something. That's why we pray creatively. But these ideas can also be a real help for young people and even adults. You need a lot of space. A large room or a meadow is ideal.
Here are a few examples: You pray that it will rain again in a place where it hasn't rained for a very long time. To do this, you fill a watering can with water. Each child in turn can take this, water the meadow and pray that God will give rain. (This is what we did; God answered our prayer in 2 days)
Or you pray that spiritual walls between people / nations will fall. In doing so, you all brace yourselves against a wall as if you wanted to knock it down. All together you can cry out to God.
Another time you want to pray for Thailand. Write prayer requests on pieces of paper and put them in balloons. Then blow them up. Each child can now pop a balloon and then pray for the request. You can also distribute the slips of paper around the room and the children can then look for them.
Varies depending on the prayer time and type.
Time required for a prayer group: One hour to prepare and one hour for the event.
Special features
What I find very important: If you want to pray with children, make sure that your attitude to prayer is right beforehand. I can tell you from experience that children are very sensitive personalities and quickly notice when you are playing to them.
It is also important that you check your view of children. Do you see them as troublesome kids who are more of a nuisance than a blessing, or do you see their spiritual potential?
Also pray for "your" children. This is how God gives you a huge heart for your work!
Work aids
Handbook: "Lord, praying is not so boring" a booklet about prayer with children; approx. 30 pages, Fr. 9.-. Website "Vitaminbox"
For training on the subject or advice on setting up a prayer group, please contact Mirjam Stoll.
(Information and ordering of the mentioned material at www.kingskids.ch)
8. Worship with kids
Not every request concert deserves the name "worship". Singing does not automatically lead to a worshipful attitude. How can you consciously encourage this?
Contents: Annual focus 1993 "Community", Peter Blaser, Siegfried Nüesch, Martin Bihr, Hansruedi Tanner, Ueli Obrist, Johannes Wallmeroth, Peter Schulthess
Drawings: Andreas Vetterli
copyright: www.besj.ch
Cover picture: Clipart courtesy of the publisher buch+musik ejw-service gmbh, Stuttgart - www.ejw-buch.de
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