Scarf or shawl
- Make a circle
- One participant is blindfolded and stands in the middle of the circle.
- The other participants hold hands, walk around the circle, and say the following little chant:
In the cellar it is gloomy,
There lives a poor cobbler.
How can it be gloomy in the cellar,
There's light and sunshine there,
One, two, three, and four,
Who's behind you?
- The player in the middle feels his way to the players in the circle and must identify the player he touches first.
- If he has identified him correctly, the identified player must move to the center. If not, the circle turns again:
Schuster, you guessed wrong!
Come and guess again.
One, two, three, and four,
Who's behind you?
- If he gets it wrong one more time, he is eliminated.
Source Credit
- Images: Regi-Weekend, Region 44, 2017
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