Mister X by bike

Submitted by sirao1 on

Track Mister X by bike using coordinates.

Game explanation:

The children are divided into groups (approx. 5 children + 1 leader). Together they are looking for Mister X. This (unknown) person moves around by bike. Every 15 minutes, the current location is sent to the group leaders in the form of coordinates via SMS. The children decipher the coordinates using a map and a map scale. Now the tracking is started.

Historical context:

We played the game in connection with Joseph, when Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of molesting her (Genesis 31:1-19). There was a theater before the game. Shortly before Potiphar's wife's accusation, Joseph left and rode off on his bicycle. Potiphar finds out about the incident through his wife and asks the young shearers (playing servants) to find Joseph so that Potiphar can throw him in prison.


  • Bicycles
  • Map (1 per group)
  • Map scale (1 per group)
  • Cell phone with reception (1 per group)

Stammheim youth club

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