Everybody loves to get a present, a beautiful bike, colouringpencils, a doll, etc.
God gave us the most beautiful gift... ...His only Son, Jesus Christ.
Who likes to get a present? (let some of the children answer)
What kind of present would you like? A big present or do you prefer a small one? Beautifully wrapped in paper or would an old newspaper be ok?
I also have a present. Who want to help me unpack? (choose one of the children to volunteer) If you untie the bow, then we can open it together. Are you also excited what will be inside? Well there it goes...
...Oh ... it looks like it is empty ... (give thanks to the child who has helped you).
Nevertheless you now see the most beautiful and most greatest gift ever given: the cross on which Jesus, the Son of God, died.
Photo's: A.M. Korenhof
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