Paperclip Game

Submitted by rebtschgi on

Two groups go from house to house to exchange one item for a bigger one.


It takes at least 2 groups going door to door with a paper clip to trade their paper clip for an (ever) larger item.

The group that brings the largest item at the end is the winner.

  • Limit territory
  • Notify time by which children must be back at the meeting place

Examining the loot together is fun and can be expanded with a story.


The game can be adapted to the theme:

Only swap foods (e.g. as a dessert, meal...)

There you can be creative


The kids learn to make something big out of something small - and it's fun :-)


  • Village
  • district
  • entire city
  • ...

Important: clearly limit zones when the children are out without a leader


1 paper clip per group

Game of the Jungschar Chrischona Bettingen

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