The variety of different games with a parachute is enormous and can inspire a large number of children or adults at once. Here you will find all kinds of ideas for different figures and movement sequences. In addition to coordination and cooperation, fun is definitely not neglected in this group game.
- Parachute or similar
- various balls if necessary (softball, tennis ball, handball, table tennis ball)
- A game leader is required to lead the game.
- The aim of the game is not only fun and action, but also teamwork, coordination and tactics. Through communication and agreement, the group spirit is strengthened and the participants can contribute their respective skills.
Various games
Wave movement
- All players hold the parachute at the edge and make small and large waves.
Changing places
- The players swing the parachute upwards and change places by running under the parachute.
- The number of people changing places is arbitrary: from 2 people to the whole group.
Variation 1:
- All participants are given vegetable names (carrot, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper). Each name should be used by several players.
- If the group leader now calls out a vegetable, all players with this name must change their places under the parachute.
- When the word "ratatouille" is called out, everyone has to find a new place.
Variation 2:
- To help the players get to know each other better, the game leader names a certain characteristic (fear of spiders, birthday in March, more than 2 siblings, red as favorite color, etc.).
- All participants who have this characteristic must swap places under the umbrella.
Off to the little house!
- The players swing the parachute upwards, then pull it down to the ground behind their bodies and sit down.
- At the end, the whole group is under the parachute, which arches over the players like a roof.
Turn the parachute!
- The aim is to pass the parachute in one direction without crossing your hands.
- At the end, the parachute should have made a complete turn.
Knock yourself out!
- All players sit on the ground and hold the parachute by the edge.
- By leaning back on one side, the other players sitting opposite them are pulled upwards.
You have beautiful hair!
- One player sits under the parachute.
- The other players now pull the parachute back and forth over the player's head.
- After a while, the parachute is swung upwards and the hair of the person sitting down is displayed.
- The friction causes the hair to become electrically charged and stand on end.
Fly parachute fly!
- On a signal, the parachute is swung upwards and released.
- The aim is to keep the parachute floating in the air as high and as long as possible.
Show me your feet!
- All but 2 players lie down under the parachute and only stick their feet out. The two volunteers turn their backs to the group.
- Now the two players have to find out which pair of feet belongs to which person.
Flying high
- A ball is placed on the parachute and thrown as high into the air as possible.
- It gets trickier when the ball has to be caught again with the parachute or by one of the other players.
Variation 1:
- The players try to make a ball roll in a circle.
Variation 2:
- A ball is rolled back and forth on the parachute.
- One player is under the parachute and tries to shoot the ball out of the circle of players.
- Now the participant who dropped the ball has to go under the parachute.
Variation 3:
- Several small balls (e.g. table tennis balls) are placed on the umbrella.
- The aim is to bounce the balls as high as possible and have them land outside the parachute at the end.
Time for a break!
- To relax a little during the game, all participants hold on to the edge of the parachute and lean backwards.
- Each player is held by the others. This sequence of movements promotes trust within the group.
Source reference
- Cover picture:
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