To walk the world without eyesight is a challenge for those who are not used to it. There is a lot to discover here. For the participants, this can be a real adventure
Group size: 5-20 people
Age: 8+
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Location: Forest, outside (reasonably varied area)
Materials needed
- Rope/s (for a distance of 50-100m)
- Eye pads
In a varied section of land, a rope is stretched at shoulder height of the participants.
The rope can go over small pits, obstacles, rocky or sandy areas, etc.
The participants are blindfolded. One by one, with a sufficient distance, they are led to the rope, which they have to follow until the end.
The participants are blindfolded
Nodes can be inserted at some points on the rope to draw the participant's attention to a special feature. For example, here they can feel something special or there is a special difficulty to overcome.
It gets more interesting when participants don't see the path beforehand.
Picture credits
Cover photo: CarolES
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