Build a small, simple, inexpensive boat with kids that actually floats? No problem, with this pet bottle boat.
- A plastic bottle (preferably a deposit-free),
- Moosh rubber or cardboard
- 1-2 shish kebabs
- A cork
- Stones or sand
Building instructions
- From the foam rubber or cardboard (the cardboard does not last so long) cut out two times a boat shape and glue the shish kebab skewer in between.
- Another skewer and some foam rubber serve as a sail.
- Push the lower skewer through the bottle lid and secure from below with a cork. So the boat does not go from the bottle and is somewhat waterproof.
- Now so many stones, sand or if both are not available fill water into the bottle that it floats with the lid just so above the water. Put the bottle in the water and let it float.
- Only disadvantage, it must be a somewhat deeper "brook", because the bottle is at least 20 centimeters under water
Who also wants to think about the pollution, which makes a cord to the boat and get it back. I just let it float, who knows where such a boat comes by everywhere, who sees it and is happy about it :-). In the next boat I will deposit my email address and then look who fishes it out of the water and where it arrived.
The Pet Bottle Boat in Action
- Cover photo and images: © Ronnie Berzins,
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