Playing true and false

Submitted by Hrisko on


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • In equal place
  • At least 3 supervisors
  • About 30 min.


  • List of questions
  • Two scarves or towels (one red and one green)


Children divide into two groups. Each child is given a number to remember. For example you have 10 children in group "A" there will be children with number 1 to 5, in group "B" there will be children with number 1 to 5. When the children are divided into groups stand equidistant from the leader holding the scarves. Another leader next to him asks a question so that all the children can hear it. The same leader then says a number from 1 to 5 and the children from the two teams that are the corresponding number have to run out and take the scarf given colour for the right and wrong answer. If the question is correct they take the green scarf and if it is wrong they take the red scarf. For each correct answer the children get one point for their team. The game ends when you decide or when you have no more questions.

Sample questions:

1.Is it true thatlightning is seen before it is heard because light moves faster than sound?

- True

2. Is it true that tomatoes are fruits?

- True.

3.Is it truethata snail can sleep up to 1 month?

-False. Actually , they cansleep up to three years.

4. Is it true thatCoca-Cola is available in every country in the world?

-Wrong. There is no Coca-Cola in Cuba and North Korea.

5.Is it truethatall mammals live on land?

- Wrong. Dolphins are mammals, but they live underwater.

6. Is it true that pregnancy in elephants lasts nine months?

-Wrong. It lasts between 18 and 22 months.

7. Unlike Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas actually lived. His grave can be visited near Antalya in Turkey.

- True

8. Is it true that camels have two sets of eyelids- 3 eyelids on each eye?

- True

9. Is it true that China is the largest country in the world by area?

- False- Russia is the largest country 17 098 242 km2

10. Is it true that spiders have 6 legs?

- Wrong- They have 8 legs

11. Is it true that 5+9 = 14?

- True

12. Is it true that Australia is both a country and a continent?

- True

13. Is it true that humans have 4 senses?

- False- Humans have 5 senses which are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch

14. Is it true that humans need oxygen to breathe?

- True

15. Is it true that penguins are considered non-flying birds?

- True

16. Is it true that peanuts fall under the category of legumes?

- True

17. Is it true that the capital of Spain is Madrid?

- True

18. Is it true that a snail sleeps up to 3 years?

- True

19. Is it true that a goat has a rectangular pupil?

- True

20. Is it true that you use your eyes to see?

- True

21. Is it true that you use your ears to smell fragrance?

- False- We use our nose

22. Is it true that the sun is too hot to be touched?

- True

23. Is it true that a hundred thousand consists of five zeros?

- True

24. Is it true that violet is a color?

- True

25. Is it true that the rainbow has 7 colors?

- True

26. Is it true that 3+4 = 7?

- True

27. Is it true that the strongest natural mineral is NOT diamond?

- False- The strongest natural mineral is diamond

28. Is it true that a butterfly is NOT a bird?

- True- Butterflies are an order of flying insects

29. Is it true that penguins are NOT birds?

- False- Penguins are birds that cannot fly

30. Is it true that 1 kg is equal to 1000 grams?

- True

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