There are families who have rented a house in a poor district. Every month the landlord comes and demands the rent. They can earn money by doing various legal jobs (e.g. shining shoes and mopping the streets). In addition, they get money by doing illegal work (e.g. brothel for women and drug dealing). Also food has to be bought with this money. There is also a police station where you can report any crimes. There is also a hospital where one can be treated for any illnesses. Since the poverty is very great, various aid organizations are at work
Aim of the evening
Everyone can see why it is not possible for poor people to escape poverty.
Goal of the game:
Buy a house in the part of the city where the quality of life is high. With the wages given below, this goal is not achievable in three hours. Therefore, one should consider in advance whether this goal should be achieved or whether the house will remain a dream forever.
Legal employer
You don't get to be nice. You can also take a pay cut for poor quality or call the police
Washing up
Participants must wash and dry mugs. For each cup they washed, they get $0.5.
Fold bags.
The participants have to make bags. They get $1 per bag.
Illegal employer
You must seem very gloomy. If you don't like something, you either get less money or you call the police. You decide what the contestants have to do and how much money they get. If someone complains, then you can do whatever you want to them.
Smuggling drugs
The participants have to bring small packages from a hiding place to the client. There is $20 for a small package. In the process, they have to make sure they don't get caught by the police. If they are, they'll have to spend a month in jail.
Murder on Assignment
The participants have to bring barrier tape, which was hung up on the playground, to the principal. The latter will pay $100 for it.
It is needed when there is a pandemic or during a vaccination campaign organized by an aid organization. They can also buy vaccinations (see below for prices). Think about 6 diseases and make cards where it is written against which disease they received a vaccination.
You can come to the police when people have been kidnapped or things have been stolen. However, you are asking for a lot of money. So it is out of the question at all. Also, you check the participants to make sure they aren't doing any illegal work. If they do, they go to jail. There are two ways to get free. First, they serve some time in prison (3 months for a contract killing and 1 month for drugs) or the family buys them free (40 dollars for drugs and 200 dollars for a contract killing)
Mafia Boss (Game Master)
As a mafia boss, you call all the shots. You can raise or cut wages, start vaccination campaigns, or cause pandemics to break out. You can also kidnap people or bribe the police. Since you can't raise or lower wages just like that, you have to come up with a story to go with it, e.g. economic crisis= wage cut. This way you can also control if the participants can buy the house or not. The mafia boss best dress up.
Landlord part-time policeman
You collect the rents every month. If they don't pay, then you can charge more very quickly or just collect 3 rents the next month. Also, you are in the service of the police for fighting crime
At least 10 years old, there is no upper limit.
Minimum 6 people so there are 3 people in both groups. Max .6 people per group. If more than 12 people, just make more groups.
The game has only been played with 2 families so far, one person per role was enough for that. I assume that for three families it needs one legal as well as one illegal employer more. For 4 groups you also need the double of the rest of the leaders. But how it really is, I don't know.
Make sure that the poor quarter also looks gloomy and the rich quarter looks better.
The participants earn the money with which they pay the rent. For that they have to do the works. At the end of the month, they have to pay the rent and they have to do it at their houses
The participants get their role drawn at the beginning. There is also a number on each card so everyone knows which team they are on. People:
Daughter 15-year-old
Son 15-year-old
Grandma 70-year-old
Grandpa 70-years-old
10 minutes is a month. That means every 5 minutes the landlord comes.
2 h = 1 year
$100 rent
50 dollars plus if rent could not be paid
40 dollar fine for illegal work or 3 months in jail
$10 for a vaccination against whichever disease is least bad. Then upwards in increments of 10.
10 dollars for the disease which is least bad. Then up in increments of 10.
1500 dollars for a house in the rich district.
Legal labor
Per bag $1
Per cup $0.5
Illegal work
Drug smuggling = $20
Commissioned murder = $100
Material for two groups
15X 100 dollar bills
40X 20 dollar bills
40X 10 dollar bills
White paper
Adhesive strips
Note with diseases
Pen barrier tape
Drug packets
Roll card with number
If possible police uniforms coat and sunglasses
We played the game on a Friday night between 19:00 and 22:00. Eating was done during the game. We realized after about 2 hours that no group had any money on the site yet. So we doubled the pay and in the end both families could buy a house. The game can of course be extended, e.g. with schooling, more complex health system etc.
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