Sharing- You reap what you sow!

Submitted by Hrisko on

You reap what you sow!

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If we sow apples, we will reap apples; if we sow wheat, we will reap wheat. But if we sow weeds, we shall reap weeds. In life, if we choose fleshly things over spiritual things, then we will reap from the flesh and vice versa.

Carnal things: covetousness, envy, disobedience, spending a lot of time on the phone, cramming for a test, hitting someone, offending someone...

Spiritual: Bible reading, prayer and communion with God, helping parents, going to church, helping someone in need...

When we do all these spiritual things we are stronger and blessed.

+ When Ruth and Philip were caring for Terry

- When Terry's mother was stealing an apple

- When Ruth and Philip got away without telling their aunt

Personal example: I have looked at my phone many times and wasted hours on end, in,stead of reading my Bible.

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