Silent Time Revelation

Submitted by Irmgard on


Suggestion for 7-Day "Quiet Time Instruction" on Selected Chapters of Revelation

Days 1 - 7

Brief Introduction to the Book of Revelation

  • Revelation 1, 10 - 20: Accompanied and comforted as an earthly church by Jesus Christ the Risen One
  • Revelation 4, 1- 11: The heavenly perspective: reality and greatness from God
  • Revelation 5, 1 - 14: The Reign and Reigning of Jesus Christ and His Inauguration (Inauguration)
  • Revelation 6, 13 u. 18: Christ intervenes in world history, triggers judgment catastrophes and overthrows the anti-Christian world society, "Babylon", the great city and whore
  • Revelation 19 and 20: Christ and His church as victors and world rulers on our renewed earth in the 1000 year kingdom
  • Revelation 20 and 21: Prelude to the New Creation New Cosmos, New Earth, the City of God The New Paradise
  • Revelation 22:6 - 18: Christ, the King of kings, reaffirms and authenticates His message of Revelation: command for immediate release.

Source reference:

Content: Walter Gut, lic. oec. publ. graduate of St. Chrischona Theological Seminary (TSC) Radio editor at ERF-Switzerland President of the JUROPA support group

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