Tips for writing articles for the YoungstarsWiki

Submitted by bafrog on

Here are a few ideas and tips for writing articles.

Achja: As with every other article on the YoungstarsWiki: Additions are welcome!

I need an idea! - Why ideas don't just fly at us

Writing articles is an effort you have to consciously take on. The same goes for finding ideas. Often it makes sense to do specific research on topics that interest you. For example, if you are interested in survival techniques, then simply google for it. This way you will quickly find a good number of ideas for potential articles

Creativity needs input. The really good ideas come when we have direction, when we get some input. The "aha" moment when coming up with an idea is in most cases a result of our subconscious mind still "nibbling away" at information we took in a few hours or days before. By the way, practically every new development, no matter in which area of life, is nowadays actually a further development of an old idea, an old concept, etc. Often there is a new combination, a little bit of thinking in a different direction, etc. and bang: a new idea!

The best articles build on the knowledge of others!

Let's say you wanted to write an article on the topic of "discipline." Now, you could just write away and you'd probably get something "cobbled together". But would the article really be good? Probably only if you take a lot of time for it ...

But how about picking one or more articles on the topic from magazines or the internet, reading through them, and then thinking about what the "perfect article" on the topic would have to look like? Which points would have to be included based on your own experience? This way you would use the know-how of other people and your own. The result is usually much better. Because we often don't come up with many relevant points on our own. The input of others often helps. Take a look at the article "Homesickness" on the YoungstarsWiki, which was written in the same way

Your task now is just to get to the heart of the topic in such a way that it's as short as possible while still having lots of useful (!) content.

Where can I get a suitable image?

Every article on the YoungstarsWiki needs a suitable cover image before publication. If you don't have or can't/won't create your own image, you can search for it on the following portals, for example: - Photos/graphics in small resolution for free, no registration required, in English. - All photos free, online community, registration required.

You won't always find a suitable image under your search term. Here is your creativity in demand. For example, if you write an article about "public relations", you will hardly find suitable images. But if you broaden your search to "newspapers" or "loudspeakers" - both things that can be symbolic of public relations - then you have a much better chance of finding a suitable image.

Speaking of images, it's not enough to just pull a suitable image from the internet somewhere. You also need permission to publish it. That is the case with the given websites

Image credits

  • Caption: © Image courtesy of Master isolated images /, edited by Tim Baumann

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