In den Kreis und aus dem Kreis raus

Submitted by kurtmühlematter on

Rammelspiel, das keine Vorbereitung und fast kein Aufwand braucht.


Draw a circle on the floor with a piece of chalk.


Everyone stands outside the circle and tries to nudge each other into the circle. Whoever steps into the circle with both feet must stay in the circle. Their task is then to stand in the circle and pull the people who are outside the circle into the circle.

The last person outside the circle wins.

The game is not finished yet.

When everyone is in the circle, the game starts again. You try to nudge the others out of the circle. As in the previous game, whoever has both feet outside the circle stays there and tries to pull the people who are in the circle out of the circle. The last person in the circle wins.

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